Northern Michigan University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Northern Michigan University? Why?


the city its in, there is very little to do out side of school that doesn't involve drinking or the outdoors, and there are no 24 hour bussinesses, unless your count walmart.


I feel that the worst thing about my college is the distance those of us in Art and Design programs have to walk in the middle of the winter to our classes. The sidewalks are very icy and never seem to be salted or sanded so I always have to walk very slowly to make sure I don't slip and fall with all my work. It would be nice if a bus was able to pick us up near the dorms and bring us to the Art building when it's below zero out.


It's in a somewhat remote area, so we do not have as many opportunities as some other schools might.


The winter, it lasts a while and the ice is a little dangerous on the way to class.


The worst thing about Northern also happens to be the best thing to some people. NMU can have horrible snow storms and the weather can get well below zero degrees. Commuting to class can be quite miserable and shoveling 6 feet of snow off your car at 7 a.m. isn't much fun. However, this same snow also makes "snow days" possible and allows for awesome snowboarding, snowshoeing, sledding, skiiing, and skating conditions.


The weather at Northern Michigan can be a little extreme at times.


NMU is not really known for its academics. Some of the degree programs I feel are not very credible.


I think the worst thing about Northern is the snow. It starts in late October and continues through April. It's a very harsh winter in the upper peninsula, but the university keeps students involved in campus events by holding concerts, showing free movies, and even providing discounts at Marquette Mountain, where students can go snowboarding and skiing.


The worst thing about NMU is that I have to drive 8 hours to get there. I've had to leave both friends and family behind to pursue my dream.


It is somewhat in the middle of nowhere and things like shopping and entertainment are sparse without a long drive.