Northern Michigan University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Northern Michigan University?

Is Northern Michigan University a good school?

What is Northern Michigan University known for?


Comeing to NMU has been the best decision I've ever made. I was drawn to the UP with the environment and the community - but have stayed and strived because of the fantastic, though at times very challenging, educational system. I have grown academically and as a human being since moving to Marquette.


Northern Michigan is beautiful. I always loved coming up here as a kid for summer camp and vacations. If you feel the same way about the Upper Peninsula you should think twice. Living here is a much different story. Not that it is in any way horrible, but when you are used to the suburbs of Chicago it is difficult to adjust. The administration is great here. Although I'm only a freshmen my teachers so far have been really helpful and very intelligent. The town of Marquette itself has stuff to do, but nothing sensational. You have to love the Outdoors to really enjoy the college experience here. It doesn't feel like there are 8,000 undergrad.