Do what makes you happy. Choose the school that you absolutely know you will love. Do not feel pressured to follow the normal path. It is ok to step outside and do something different. Take the time to figure out what it is that you want to do with your life. Don't chose a major or profession that will make you the most money, but chose the major that you know will make you feel the most fulfilled. At the end of the day it is not about how much money you have in your pocket or how much knowledge you have in your head, it is about your ability to use that knowledge to make a difference and an impact on the world. People have always told me that college is the time to have fun and let loose, partly that is true, but colllege is also about finding out who you are and beginning to determine who you want to be in the world and how you want to be remembered.
I have already learned so much, I feel like I am living in a new way. I have become far more consious of the impact of my decisions both environmentaly and socially. I know theses lessons are going to stay with me troughout my life. I hope to use what I have learned at school to become the best in my feild of work, and to change the lives of all the people I work with.
It has been valuable to attend college because I am on my way to applying for the nursing program. I want to be a nurse in a Neonatal unit to try and save the babies that could not be saved of mine. I lost my twins almost three years ago and I have developed a passion to want to save other babies lives. I am determined to pass the classes to the best of my ability and when I do not think I have learned all I can, I will retake the class to maximize my knowledge.
The biggest and greatest thing I have gained from going to school has been meeting a new, diverse group of people. Through this experience, I have not only learned much about these people but also how to learn with these people, a skill I will take with me for the rest of my life.
I have taken may things away from college so far, but really this has been a chance for me to really get to know myself, while being with really great people. And i think if i would have never attened Northland i would be in a very unhappy place in my life. So manly college is soo valueabale not only because you get to discover who you are as an idivual, but also get an education.
I believe Colorado Technical University provides all the Necessary skills training/schooling that I am going to need for my career choice of Surgical Technologist. I do have to take some pre-reqs, but they all co-inside with my career. The teachers are there to help you succeed and aren't there to make your life miserable. They are all very approachable and treat you like an individual. This is valuable to me because I don't have 4 years to waste, and am getting my career goal done in a 2 year accelerated program. The school works with you and guides you in the right direction and has shown me that it is never to late to start/change a career. I, like most people don't have much time to waste. I want to jump right into my career when I graduate with my AS of Surgical Technology and many of their graduates have had job offers before they even graduate. There is always someone there willing to listen and answer any questions you may have. I believe this is the school for many people that know what they want and where they want to be.
By going to Northland College I learned how to put on a play in a small college while balancing classwork as a full-time student. Northland doesn't have much of a theatre program, it is all student run and the theatre is kind of crummy so putting on a play is always an achievement. Sure, I learned about biology and history and how to manage my time and my social life (which includes learning how to fence), but it is a most amazing thing to put on a play with only the help of other students. It is an opportunity one would not have in a big college because there are so many other people that could probably direct and special teachers to teach you in a large college. Directing a play was valuable for me because it helped me with time and people management, and it got me to really enjoy my classwork when I didn't have a play going on because things were far less hectic. Finally by going to college away from home I learned how to be independent slowly instead of immediately being thrown to the wolves, I mean society.
I have gotten a sense of independence and reliablity along with a (so far) good education. I have learned more about human interactions because of living in a more diverse community. It has been valuble to attend college because I now have a better view of how the world works and how to help make the world a better place starting from my community and with myself. I am more self sufficient, a more educated person, and am able to make better decisions every day.
I have learned how to interact with professionals and the college as a whole. I also found my place in working for the college on the board of trustees and make the changes necessary for a school to survive in these tough times. By acting on the board I have brought changes to this school to make us thrive and better suited for the students who come here.
From what I have already learned from only one semester in college, I have learned and experienced that you can not always put things off to the last minute if you are really serious about getting work done in school. I have learned that if I want to make the most out of my college time, I need to put more things forward to being important, and to also let a lot of things go that are simply holding me back. Even through all of the hardships thus far, I wouldnt take back anything that happened so far in college because it has been valuable for me in life because it taught me on how to prepare for what is to come in future years of schooling, and I feel like I am more prepared for more of these situations, so when they occure I will be able to handle them in a better manner than how they were handled from the very start of the year. And the overall college experience is showing me how to gain responsibility for the world outside school, and to be able to survive on my own without parential help.