I was hoping that college would be a place where I would finally be able to let my creativity get me somewhere, instead of it being called "not following directions". After the tour I can easily say in all honesty that I felt the greatest relief when I found out there was an entire building dedicated to creativity. And not only that, but most of the curriculum involves your own interpretation and ability to make unorthodox connections to different things all while completing the assignment.
The professors are available outside of classes. They really care about their students. Classes have a lot of group projects which are great for real life interactions. My favorite class would be my texas government class, beacuse my professor is awesome and knows how to get his point across and not be boring.
Starting answThe academics are greater than one might expect from a community college. I've been given access to professors that were truly informed and experts in the field they were teaching. I did not have one single professor that I did not find rewarding for taking, even if I did not get along with their personality type or method of teaching; each of them were obviously intellectual.
Professors will know two types of students: The ones that are constantly pushing themselves to make good grades, and the ones that are constantly trying to see how much they can get away with. However, the middle ground students, be it due to their own lack of ability or what have you, won't go forgotten and the class sizes make it easy for professors to recognize and remembers students by name.
Depending on the professor, you may need to be studying material every night or may spend nights working on projects/papers instead. In the classes where you are doing projects/papers, the class discussion is usually met with high student participation, but of course you'll meet a few students that don't want to participate, be it out of their attitude or their shyness.
In my major of New Media Communications, I was able to find classes that I could easily apply to my degree, be them core classes or electives. For example, my history courses were "United States History 1 (Revisionist, Rebels, and Revolutionaries)" and "United States History 2 (History through film)", both of which were awesome to me because the things were talked about had some relation to media in some way. Another example was my literature class that dealt with novels that had been turned into film adaptations and implored the students to comprehend the art of taking a book and bringing it to life in film. Even my math class had a focus on film at one point! It was great to find these classes and if you analyze the catalog well enough, you can definitely find a class that fits your taste.
The education here is split between academic and workforce, for budgetary reasons. The main thing professors want to make sure of is that you learn what they teach you so you can be successful in your own way. ering!