Northwest Vista College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Northwest Vista College? Why?


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the students that run the finincal aid, and busurs office are rude. When it comes to handeling large numbers of students they can not function properly and do not take the time to actually do the work. They pass the so called bucket to a actual person that works there. If they had more of an efficent staff this process would make student life better.


Honestly, I would have to say that the worst thing about this school is when comes time to register for your classes. You want to know ahead of time what classes you want to take. The advisors don't really help much in my opinion. You want to register as soon as it is available, but even wtih that in mind it is a problem. Our school surver gets really slow and it may even take hours for you to even get to the sign in page, because tere are so many students are trying to get on.


The worst thing is that it is only a 2 year college.


The financial aid process


The parking is the worst thing about this school. Some days you have to spend around 30 minutes to an hour to find parking around the campus. Though it is bad, the school is working at trying to fix the problem with parking by working with Sea World to borrow some of there spaces.