Northwest Vista College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Northwest Vista College?


The worst thing about northwest vista college is that students are not allowed to swim in the beautiful flourishing pond, however, I am aware there is wildlife in and around it. With that being said, a question about your least favorite aspect of this school is better than a question about the worst aspect


The student that should attend this college is one who is looking to attain an Associate's Degree, Certificate, or plan to transfer to a 4-year university. Many students (including myself) plan to attain their Associate's, take more classes at the cheaper rates, then transfer to the 4-year university of their choice. Once the degree is attained, all universities in Texas must accept all credits earned towards that degree. This makes it simple to attend Northwest for 2 years, then gain a Bachelor's at a university after only 2 more years!


Anyone who likes a small class size, or who want a personal and hands on college college experience.


Because of the open atmosphere at northwest vista it is a great school for anybody to attend. I feel it is a great fit for highschool students who are just entering college as well as for adults who are chooseing to return to college


Dreamers always get laughed at. However, those who dream with the courage to take the steps of a tangible hope will always be dreamers with endless opportunities. The people that should attend this school are students who look at the current events of adversity and dream to improve the way of livlihood for the future. The only way is through education. The dreamers who know that education is the only weapon to prevail in the future are the students who should attend this school.


The kind of person that should attend this school is anyone. There is no one that I don't see around the campus and finding anything that doesn't interests them. The campus is open to everyone and it is cheap. I have seen people of an older generation here that have gotten much from their learning experience as recent high school graduates that don't know what they want to be. This school has a beautiful campus and one that allows people to find what they are most interested about without the cost of normal colleges.