Northwest Vista College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northwest Vista College know before they start?


First i would tell myself not to slack off when I first get to college. Then I would tell my young self not to waste $10,000 going to that fancy private school for a single semester.


I would tell my high school self to keep pushing through the academic strife of studying for test and project dates, honor/AP classes, and the dreadful thought of SAT and ACT testing. The level of determination that you project yourself to function at will play a vital role in not only shaping the type of college student you will become, but also the mature adult you wish to be in life. If you continue to commit to working hard and doing what you know is right, then opportunities of success will present themselves to you. Never let down on who you are as a person. Always believe in yourself.


Get started on financial aid early and keep working hard. Stay on top of parents for tax information unless you don't care about getting free money for school.


Going back to myself when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself a lot of things. First, not take so much in what is happening at the moment. Life for the moment but don't allow the bad to drag you down. To explain this, there is something I need to explain. During my senior year of high school, I was depressed by events that were happening around me and to me, for so much that I became suicidal. Followed by, though you don't need to study much during these years of high school, develop the discipline to study for the class and get good grades. I was not much of a study at the time and would often spend my time away from class and goof off or in class and not focus on what the teacher is explaining for the day. The last piece of information I would give is seriously look at a community college to attend before going to a regular university. It is cheaper than a normal school and most credits will transfer to the university in the first place. You will change your goals, and learn more about yourself.