The ability to complete your degree online is the best thing about this school. As a single mom with a full time job who goes to school full time, it is near impossible to find time to get on campus multiple times a week to take classes. Being able to complete all of my courses online helps me complete degree at home where I can be there to care for my child at the same time.
The best thing about the school is the many advising services. A first-time in college students advising session and student development class are required. Advisors are available every day, along with financial aide reps and general question personell are available as long as the college is open. As long as the future student asks questions, it is very easy to not only apply for and prepare for college, but also to prepare for the future to ensure no classes are wasted or repeated unneccessarily. This college makes the stress and confusion of college become simple and clear.
I would regard the quality of education for the cost to be the best advantage of Northwest Vista. The cost per semester is relatively cheap per semester, and is easily manageable. The vast majority of the professors are competent. They typically care about the well-being of their students. A wide variety of courses can be take for a significant number of different degrees. These courses are transferable to the majority of universities in Texas.
The selection of classes is amazing for a community college. They also use state of the art equipment for most all of their classes so no matter what you're studying you can expect to use the same equipment & computer programs in that exact career field, regardless of what your focus is. The last community college I went to had one building (NVC has 8) and, while it was still a nice campus it really only offered classes within the core curriculum.
I like my school because it's a small community. The campus is large, but the classes are small. You have more of direct connection with the professors and other classmates than at a large University. I believe the first two years of school will really make or break a students desire to continue in pursuit of their degree. Another thing that I really like about my school is that it is a smoke free campus.
The professors there are amazing, classes are so small ypu have one on one help. they are also willing to go the extra mile and show/help you . They dont give you the work ans say "read this , we will test on monday" they actually teach and guide to success!
Every professor is there for their students. I have not encountered one professor that does not wish to provide the time and attention necessary for me to not gain the knowledge I need to succeed and reach my goals as a student.