Northwestern University Top Questions

Describe the students at Northwestern University.


The Christian groups such as Campus Crusade for Christ are very overbearing and have a large presence within the younger grade levels, specifically because they target younger students to try and get them involved early. This is probably true at most campuses. You can wear whatever the fuck you want to class....During exam week fall quarter, I wore the same pair of pants for 11 or 12 days straight because I was too busy throughout reading week out drinking at night and studying all day to change.


No one would feel out of place at Northwestern. Most students become more liberal while attending the university but this is the same for all schools. There isn't a certain dress that most students follow. Some follow the trends and others express their own style. All students interact with each other. The tables at the dining halls are diverse and people are welcome to join tables that they usually don't sit at. Engineers sit with musicians, and poli sci majors with theater majors. This mix makes the discussions interesting. Students are from all over the world and from all different financial backgrounds. Some students are politically aware and some are not. I have found that there is a mix of political views on campus but most students tend to become more liberal after attending college.


blacks/hispanics would feel most out of place here. students wear mostly the same things: uggs, designer jeans, north face, etc. most from illinois, east coast, west coast. upper middle class. predominantly left.


I think people are generally tolerant.


Most NU students are from Chicago area, New York, or California. So mostly you get upper class, wealthy, intelligent people. I feel like our campus is fairly racially diverse, but not extremely. I come from an extremely white suburb in Orange County so maybe I can't judge. Although most people here are wealthy I don't think you'd feel out of place if you didn't have money. No one is really snobbish and most people do not show off their wealth at all, or don't want you to know about it.


I have met people passionate about every issue. I think any student who is willing to listen to another's viewpoint has a home at Northwestern. T-shirts and jeans are commonplace among most students, but there will always be people who like to dress up and those wearing sweats. I have all kinds of friends- it's ridiculous! dinner today, I sat with my roommate- a physics major from small-town Wisconsin, my neighbor- a biomedical engineer on the ultimate frisbee team, and my boyfriend- a cognitive science and linguistics double major looking at minoring in computer science who wants to work for Google. The next table had two Asian boys, one of whom was in one of my classes last year, and another table had two girls who I've seen around before but I'm not sure where. The last table is empty because nobody is a loner at Northwestern! I was actually surprised at the number of students from the midwest, but there are plenty of international students as well. There are a lot of boarding school brats, but plenty of students are not as stable and go for work-study jobs, etc. Many students keep up with political issues, especially in the heated happenings at present. I'd say, as with most college campuses, most are more left-wing. Students don't usually talk about money to be made seriously, maybe as a joking side-note, but not in general conversation.


Students on campus express tolerance while behaving intolerantly. I don't know who feels comfortable, as far as I can tell, most people dislike it. Students wear nasty, old sweats to class. Different types of students self-segregate. Tables: black, latino, engeneers, and then a table worth of people who are all sitting spaced out and studying while eating. Midwest or asian countries. Upper-middle class Politically active but not politically aware. Tend to lean left. Students live to think about how much they'll make someday.


There are 3 tables of NU students sitting in the dining hall. One consists of theatre and music majors, mostly from the East Coast or California discussing the latests productions they've been in. The one next to them consists of haggard looking pre-meds and engineers, stressing out about the physics midterm they just took. The people next to them are a varied bunch, most are clean-cut and well dressed, but not too well dressed. They don't know what they're going to do in life, but all they know is that life as an undecided NU student is fairly good.


Students are active on campus but at the same time, as a whole, students are rather apathetic to current day issues.


Most students are relatively well-off, as the financial aid system is not great. There is a pretty diverse student body, but it seems mostly made up of Asians. People are generally liberal, as with most college campuses, and most conversations are geared around the future.