Northwestern University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Northwestern University?

Is Northwestern University a good school?

What is Northwestern University known for?


Honestly, Northwestern seems to be right in the middle in all aspects. Size? In the middle. Big enough where you don't know everyone but small enough where you see the same people all the time. Campus? In the middle. Walkable but I'd rather take a shuttle. Town? In the middle once again. Certainly not rural but we aren't in the middle of Chicago either.


I think the school is too small. It needs to be expanded in size. People really keep to themselves and their small social circles that they form freshman year.


Northwestern is a great mix of many types of school. It's a great size that's it's not huge and will never share classes with people I know, but it's big enough that I get to meet new people throughout my college experience. It's also in the Big Ten so we get to great athletics, but it's a very good school academically as well. Lastly, it's near a huge city, but you don't have to deal with living in a city. It's what I like to think of as "the perfect compromise school."


Northwestern is perfect! I love the small atmosphere and the campus is beautiful. Along with all of this, you are still close to Chicago and downtown Evanston is great. I live on south campus, near downtown, and i love it. It is the perfect location to live because you are near all of the major buildings except Tech and there are a number of great dining and shopping options close by. School pride is not very high, especially when it comes to sports, but i feel like this is changing for the better as our sports teams get better and, since enrollment is increasing, there are more students on campus.


A great thing about Northwestern is its size. I feel like I am always seeing people I know, but it never feels confining. Another thing about Northwestern is that while it is a good academic school, its name doesn't have the same cache as the Ivies or Stanford, Duke etc. When I tell someone I go to Northwestern, there is a strong chance they haven't heard of it, and many of my classmates report similar experiences, especially those from the East Coast or the South. I don't see this as a positive or a negative quality. In a typical day, I'm liable to bounce all over campus, hitting classes, the library, the gym, the student union, my dorm and my fraternity house all in one day. Evanston is an interesting college town. Its got tons of great restraunts like Buffalo Joes, Flattop Grill, and staples like Chipotle and Chilis, but it only has a handful of bars frequented by students. Its not all about the college in the way places like Lawrence, KS, Athens, GA, or Ann Arbor, MI are. Many normal residents call Evanston home and some of it is quite upscale. Also, Northwestern makes a concerted effort to reach out into the community and provide services to its youth and other citizens. Its proximity to Chicago is convienent. While Evanston is relatively safe, its not completely isolated either. There have been some instances of crime, but its nothing to worry about as long you are aware. Northwestern's administration is fairly aloof. I never have contact with them, but the academic advisors and some other services offered by the university are fantastic. Unfortunately, school pride is not too prevalent at Northwestern. I think that while most people are happy here, a lot of minor griping goes on and our lack of success in the revenue sports hurts our ability to create school spirit. While we have been tremendously sucessful in some of the other sports, it doesn't generate much student interest.


I like that the school is not too big. I feel i know a lot of the nice, normal, social kids on campus. The thing I dislike the most is that the frats are dry. This does not stop drinking, but just encourages students to get fakes for the bars


Northwestern is, in many respects, almost all that an academically inclined, normal, social student could ever want. "Almost," though, is key. Lacking a handful of what many consider to be defining characteristics of a positive collegiate experience, while simultaneously offering many others, Northwestern students often find themselves inexplicably frustrated.


Although Northwestern is a prestigious name in the Midwest, it does not translate as well to the northeast. When I tell people I am at NU, they are often more impressed by the kids I know at NYU or Brandeis because those are well known and respected in the east. I wish NU got its due credit in NY.


The best thing about Northwestern is the balance between academics and school spirit. The "work hard, party hard" mentality applies pretty well. I like the size, it allows for intimacy. People are impressed when I tell them I go to Northwestern. I think Evanston is a great college town but is often underutilized.


Northwestern is the perfect school for anyone seeking a balance between education and enjoyment. You can get a phenomenal education while not having to take life too serious, after all, it is college.