The best thing about Northwestern is its credible name in artistic and communicative fields. The school is packed with opportunities for students to learn academically about these sorts of fields. In fact, students tend to respect the work they are doing so heavily that the whole university is competitive. Students challenge other students by always putting value in what they are doing, researching or learning. Every student believes that they are doing something more important than something just on a college campus.
I consider the engineering department is the best thing about Northwestern because it seems to have limitless funding and potential to it. There is always another addition to the tech building newly built each year it seems.
There are numerous things about Northwestern that make it great, but I would have to say that the quality of the students is amazing. It seems that each and every student attending this university is doing something great with their life and that fosters both a competitive and inspiring atmosphere. At times I find it exhausting that everyone are such over-achievers, but mostly I find it inspiring and wonderful that there are so many people in the world that will do great things for society.
The best thing about Northwestern was the level of academic challenge and quality of conversation available with peers. It is only after leaving school that I realize the level of intelligence of my peers and regret not having taken more time to converse in an environment conducive to thinking.
NU is an absolutely phenomenal experience. There is something for everyone, from the hard-core academic-oriented student, to the varsity athlete, to the frat boy/sorority girl. You can get your study on, your chill on and your party on all while receiving one of the best educations available. This combined with an amazing college campus with state-of-the-art facilities and a great college town, plus the close proximity to Chicago, makes for an unbeatable combination.
The people you meet here will be friends that will be supportive, helpful, caring, and just fun. Northwestern students are diverse (racially, financially and culturally) but in someways will be much like you. The reason I say that is because you worked hard to get into Northwestern, and the people around you did also. A strong work-ethic plus a balance of fun is the key component at this school.
I love the academics. They are hard and challenging. The fact that we are on quarters is great. It means that we can take more classes in a year.
Everyone here, from the students to the professors to the administrators, strive for the best.
I love how engaged our professors here are. They are all pretty much experts in their fields, so the enthusiasm with which they speak of their subjects is refreshing.
The best thing about the school is the amount of student-run extraccuricular activities and also the location -- close to a city, in a safe suburban town, beautiful campus on a beach.