Oakwood University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Oakwood University?


I brag the most about the fine males and our biology department. I also brag about the strong christian environment that really does draw you toward Christ. I also brag about the friendliness of everyone on campus.


How friendly and easy going beacause of the organization on campus.


No music will ever sound the same after a semester here. This is where friends are made for life-Definitely.


Best place to learn bout christ


I tell them about the Christian aspect of the school and how it is incorporated into all our classes. I enjoyed being able to have a Christian education that will prepare me for my future.


The spiritual atmosphere and all of the friends that I have made while at this school.


The fact that my school is Christ centered and that its is a very intimate campus with faculity that really care personally about the students.