Oakwood University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Oakwood University?


Though every school has their ups and downs, the most frustrating thing about this school is trying to become financially cleared for each semester. Since this is a private school, tuition is extremely high, but it is worth every penny. This is frustrating because everyone on this campus relates to one another as if they are family. When someone does not become cleared it's disappointing because we know that one of our close friends will not have the opportunity to experience the rest of the school year with us.


I would appreciate it if all of my teachers could match my intensity, my desire to achieve. I'm excited with the thought of continuing my education and I honestly mean that, I was raised in a community where information about college, scholarships and grants were seldomly provided. Now that I'm aware that I have the ability to continue my education and work for a excellent career. I would say the only frustrating thing about school would be not having the ability to pay for the college tuition. Like many others thats my main concern but I'm confident.


The most frustrating thing is the weather and how it changes constantly. The cafeteria food is sometimes horrible.


How long it takes during registration


Sometimes not being able to get answers to question as fast as i would like in the offices.


In my opinion, the most frustrating thing about my school is our textbook situation. To my understanding, the teachers order less books than students taking the class. Therefore some students may fall behind due to the lack of resources they have.


The most frustating thing about my school is the heavy social restrictions. We have a strict curfew and we can't live off campus unless it's a special circumstance. Tuition is also another frustating thing about attending Oakwood University. Tuition is very exspensive.


When tring to get cleared at te beginning of each semester. You stand on lines for hours and the financial aid staff hardly helps you.


Mandated worship is the most frustrating thing for a student. As a faith-based school we have required worship services.We are required to attend three worships per week and a mandatory chapel service every Tuesday. If students don't attend the three dorm worships then their request to leave on weekends would be denied. We need permission to stay off campus for the weekend. The mandatory chapel service on Tuesday is every week at 10 a.m. If students fail to make it to this service then a $25 dollar fine will be applied to their bill.

