Ocean County College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Ocean County College?


The classes here are small so you are able to learn easier than a large classroom.


When I brag about going to Ocean County College, its usually about how im getting the benefit of taking the same classes that are being held at Universities, but at a better pace and its easier to interact with the professor because of the number of students in the calss is smaller.


I am always bragging that my school is cheaper than most schools in the area.


When I tell my friends about this school I mostly brag about what a great opportunity it is. Out of my whole time spent here I have found that all professors care about where you end up, they do not just give you a grade and forget about you. They are always there to help you whenever you need it. This is why a lot of my friends including myself take professors in more than one class, because they care.