Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Ohio State University-Main Campus accurate?


They can be...yeah we like to have our fun and certainly LOVE our Buckeyes, but students here are also very focused on academics. It's a great blend of both.


These stereotypes are true some of the time, but not all of the time.


you can make them true or not partake of them


I think I answered this above!


Party School-- It is certainly true, if that is what you're looking for in a school. Ohio State is large enough that you can find just about anything that you are interested in. If you want to party every weekend, you can definately find places to go and things to do. However there's so much more to Ohio State. You can go on gallery hops in the Short North or you could go to the Franklin Park Conservatory or you could see one of the speakers/bands/movies put on by OUAB. Too Big-- I see people that I know all the time. I've found that I can't cross the Oval without recognizing someone that I know. By the time you've been here for four years, you become acquainted with almost everyone in your major. It's knid of nice to be able to just blend into a class sometimes and just be a number. (Not many people notice if you're late or if skip class from time to time.) OSU is a big campus, but it can feel a lot smaller if you get to know people and become active in your classes.




Not entirely. The personal time statement is somewhat true because OSU is such a huge campus that it is nearly impossible for professors to get to know each of his/her student on a first-name basis.


No, they are just like any other stereotype, they are generalizations and do not apply to the whole student body.


OSU actually offers a really good education. We are ranked in practically every department, and some majors are in the top 10 in the nation. We do like football, it's true, but it's not as if life stops after fall quarter. Game days can be hectic and noisy, but the games are rarely talked about in class or during the week. I won't deny that alcohol is readily available on and off campus, but there are about a million sober things to do each weekend. I never drink, and I can always find an international dance or food festival, independent film, sporting event, theater performance, etc. to attend. And those are just the things I'm interested in - whatever you want to do socially, it's here.

