Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Ohio State University-Main Campus?


A person who likes a HUGE campus with many people and many buildings, who want variety in fields and variety in people and also a person who is looking of quality education at low cost.


This school is rather social and diverse. It also has a wide variety of academic opportunities.


any student


A person who is serious about college and who can take a heavy work load. Someone who doesn't mind large classes and a big campus.


Any variety of people could attend this school. It is so big that it virtually fills everybody's wants, needs, and expectations.


Really really book smart people and really really rich people. Especially the rich part. School is automatically 100 times harder when you have to do all your financial aid by yourself. And what classes to take there is no direction offered here. all you are is a number not a individual.


People that want a place where there is always something to do and someone to talk to. There is no shortage of clubs, activities and classes to cater to every interest. The campus may be big, but once you find your niche, it can feel like the smallest campus in the world. There is an abundance of food choice, living arrangements based on interest, and classes in every imaginable topic. I would recommend OSU to anyone who is not scared to put themselves out there and have to make friends and find their place.


I think anyone who loves a challenge academically, a person that loves sports, or just someone looking for a variety of people should attend this school.


Any person who is interested in achieving their dreams. The kind of person that I see walking around Ohio State comes from all over the world. No matter what race, ethnicity, gender, or personality we have at Ohio State is the perfect campus to welcome diversity. Recently Ohio State welcomed students from China during the Olympics for them to experience a quarter abroad. It was very interesting to see other students dedication in their education and in The Ohio State University. Though some may think we are focused only around football, OSU offers many opportunities for to follow your dreams.


Someone who enjoys science and sports. If you are interested in journalism, arts, etc...steer clear.