Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ohio State University-Main Campus know before they start?


The most important thing that I have learned from college is the kind of person I do not want to be and the kind of things I do not want to do. From there, it is a simple process of elimination in attempting to pursue a meaningful life. Many of my classes have taught me useful information and have expanded my ability to reason effectively. Nonetheless, I have decided that while college is useful for obtaining a degree and finding a high-paying job, it is superfluous in the grander scheme of what I hope to accomplish with my life. I do not wish to have a career. I would prefer to live in greater harmony with nature, in a community of close friends and family. In this way, my education can assist me in helping others and finding creative solutions to problems. Pursuing material gain is the antithesis to contentment, happiness, and a meaningful life. I am grateful to college for the things I have learned and the friends I have gained, but my college education will not define me or turn me into the typical discontented American consumer.


The reason I am here is to improve my life. It is hard to make the decesion to put your life on hold, move 200 miles, and attend school again for the first time in 15years. But this is what I have done, and what I have gotten out of it is yet to be realized. I have a long way to go, but if I make it all my sacerfice will not be for nothing. They will give a chance to see the world and to feel the satisfaction of acheveing my goals and to improve my life. it has been of vaule to me right out of the blocks a 3.9 and as I am writting this I have the chance for a 4.0. I have never even been close to these numbers, but I put hard work in and I reep what I sowed. And this is a very rewarding feeling.


My college experience has brought me into a different environment that helped prepare me for a professional environment. When i originally began college, I had little cultural knowledge of my own race. I grew up in a low-income African American community and always had African American friends. I never really related to the white race and it was always weird to me because I was myself white. College exposed me to my culture and helped me to understand different things that exist that are important to know and relate with inside of my ethnicity. I believe the experience of learning more about my background and exposing myself to my own ethnicity helped me to become an even more diverse person with an incredible background to pursue many things after college is finished.


I have learned many important life lessons in college. I have learned the real meaning of hard work. College is not easy, and it takes a lot of time, commitment, and drive in order to suceed. I have found my true passion, nutrition. I know I want to work with the childhood obesity epidemic, and Ohio State has shown me this. I have made life long friends and learned how to get along with all types of people. I believe it is valuable to attend to find your true identity. College hands you a lot, and it is your job to find out how to manage all of the tasks at hand. It gives you a solid foundatioin of knowledge and the tools to survive in the real world. College also helps people to learn tolerance and respect for all types of people. I have learned more in the past four years about people than I have my entire life.


The experience is amazing learning so much more than I every could have expected. Attending Ohio State will be valuable because I will receive my degree from there in hopes of working in the field I have chosen and love.


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College has been an amazing experiance. I was fortunate to attend a college/highschool program called running start and I achieved 60 credits in college while attending high school. I believe that going to college at such a young age, set me apart from other high school students. I was able to chose the classes I wanted, I depended on myself to get good grades and I also learned a great deal of time management. I also had the chance to interact with a variety of other students ranging from 16 to 60. I had the chance to talk to my professors on a personal basis and was also given respect as a very young adult. I believe that starting college young has given me the chance to show the world that a person my age can be considered very mature and trustworthy. Also I was able to experiance college with the help and support of my friends, family, and teachers, without having to jump right into college after high school. Attending college has and will make me a better citizen and knowledgable human being. I can help people and learn from all aspects of life if I attend college.


I feel that I've far more at this college than merely earning a degree in my major. At first, that was all I was concerned about, and it was a simple if boring life. However, the passage of time eventually led me to discover a few things that I feel will help me a long time down the road. Some of these are the extra material I learned for my GPA, like political science, which will hopefully help me understand the world a little better. I also learned a few life skills to help me later in life. Finally, I earned a couple of friends during my time in the dorms, and while we don't see each other often, their presence has made a lasting impact on who I am to this day. I do not regret coming to Ohio State, and would do it again in a heart beat.


I attended college the fall after high school graduation, August 1991. I completed 1 full year, then didn't continue my education. I returned to school lspring semester 2009 as a wife, mom to 5 kids, and full-time medical transcriptionist. I was afraid that I would not get good grades, would not mesh with my fellow students because I was older, and just overall had an anxiety about returning to school after 17 years. Now, 1 year later, I absolutely love school, I have a 3.9 GPA, and I have finally figured out what I want to get my degree in. I have so much more confidence in myself since returning to school. I find myself excited at the beginning of each new semester. I have an achievable goal ahead of me and feel such immense pride that I am pursuing my degree. I have noticed that returning to school as a nontraditional student I care so much more about my grades, getting my assignments in on time, and doing my best work than I did when I attended directly after high school. I tell my peers all the time, "If I can do it, you can too."


This being my first year at OSU, I feel that I have gained so much more than I thought I ever would in high school. While in high school, I never studied or picked up a book after school hours. While, admittedly, that had very bad effects when I entered college, it also taught me how to study. Since I had never studied, I didn't know how. When I figured out the classes were tough, I was forced to learn. It's not easy, but I find that very valuable. Also, I've gained much more knowledge in the diversity of the college. I live in the International Dorm, so my roommate is Chinese. Although it was very difficult for me in the beginning because of many differences, I've learned alot about the culture and people. I've gained so much from my first year at Ohio State, and I'm thankful for my first year, even though it was a lot of work.