Don't be scared. College is a fresh start, a virtual rebirth, a way to make a new name and reputation for yourself. Go out and have fun. Don't sweat the small stuff, relax, enjoy yourself. Do things becuase you want to do them, ask a girl out you've never met before, and don't be afraid to tell somebody they're pissing you off. Be yourself. I know this whole spiel might sound trite, but in the end life is just a long series of platitudes, and its what you make of them counts. So go out and make it count.
If I could go back in time to when I was in high school I would tell myself that college is an amazing place. It is a place where I could meet new peopel, learn new things, and advance myself in society. I would tell myself not to stress over it too much. College can be a scary place, but once you get used to it you will like it. The transition from high school to college is hard, but it can accomplished. With the right people, I was able to make the transition easy. I got used to college by knowing my advisors and professors. They are a great resource. I also got used to going to classes on my own time, which is different than high school. I prepared myself for exams by going to study sessions and studying with groups. The classmates in college classes make good study partners. Overall, enjoy your last year of high school and do not let the college stress you out. In reality, college is a great place to learn and relax.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to think less in the moment and think more about the future. Let me explain. I tend to overthink social situations and because of this my social life is dwindling. I was never the crazy college student who partied until the break of dawn. Although that has never been a part of my personality I do look back on my college experience and I feel as though I missed many opportunities to make memories with those I care about, because I was too busy with my academics. At the same time I wish I would have known exactly what I wanted to get into after college so I could plan for it (my career) ahead of time. This may have saved me time later on and it would have made my later years in college less stressful. This is advice I would have given myself during high school.
If I could go back to high school and talk to myself as a senior I would give myself this message: "Follow your dreams." Do not let others influence your decision on what college to attend and what to major in. Do not pick a college or major because mom or dad went there, or because your girlfriend is going there, because college is your chance to become and individual and find yourself. It is a chance to meet new people from different races, cultures, and ethnicities. College is full of many opportunities-don't pick just one! Diversify yourself as much as possible. Learn and try new things (there is a time and place for everything...COLLEGE!). If you can't decide on a major, then take your core classes and explore and ask questions until you figure out what you want. Most importantly it is your chance for you to follow your dreams. Try and ignore the financial ramifications because there is no price for happiness. You only get one life on this Earth, so live it YOUR way and follow YOUR dreams.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there is honestly not a whole lot I would say to myself. The only thing I was a little naive about would have to be funding. I believed that because I did well all through high school I would recieve more scholarships and grants than I did. I would tell myself to spend more time everyday applying for scholarships becasue the money is available you just have to go out there and get it. Dont expect anything to be handed to you.
The best advice I could give myself, after spending a quarter in college, is to never focus on one grade. Whether it is a bad grade for the course or an amazing grade on an exam; always be prepared to perform your best. I like to think college is a lot like a sport, you do not do well if you do not continuously practice what you are being taught and just because you did great at the last game does not mean you will do as well at the next one. There is always room for improvement, and what may seem easy for one person may not be as simple for you. Never get discouraged or make excuses, acknowledge your failures and mistakes and build from them instead of letting them pull you down. Those mistakes will help you learn what works best for you. Realize you are not alone in this, there are thousands of people out there playing the same game you are and there are just as many coaches to guide you along. College is hard and it can make or break you, but remember you are the only one who decides how well you play.
If I could go back to myself as a high school senior, I would let myself know that college life is not as intimidating as it can sometimes seem. As a senior, I worried about the transition into college life and how well I would adjust. However, once I began my experience and got into the swing of things, I realized that it felt like starting high school all over again, just a little more challenging. If I could go back, I would let myself know that I had nothing to fear, and I would definitely give myself some notice as to how much extra work is involved! I would tell myself to start learning how to go to bed early, for you see I used to love staying up late. Also, I would have to inform the senior version of me that opening and reading a book is required and really not as bad as it sounds. The old me would probably stare at me in disbelief, but before I would go back, I would give myself a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and say: "Hey, it's only college, and it's not so scary".
If I could be a senior all over again, I would tell myself a few words of advice. Firstly, I would tell myself that even though the first few weeks will be rough, you will make friends who will love you just as much as the friends you had in high school. Next, I would probably tell myself that classes are challenging but not impossible. I would tell myself not to stress over them too much and at times, having fun should take priority over worrying about always staying on top of things. I would say that you will find your routine eventually, and although it is unlike any other experience you have ever had before, you will thank yourself later for letting go of the safety that has been living at home for your entire life. Knowing all of this now, I am having a much easier time of things, both when it comes to studying, having fun, and ultimately succeeding academically.
The advice that I would give myself is the advice I gave myself after I graduated form high school. The advice that I gave myself is to give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} my first two years because getting off to a strong start is very crutial. I gave myself that advice because after looking back on high school I knew that if I did better my freshman and sophmore year I would have had a better GPA which could have given me a better chance at getting a scholarship. Some people say it's not how you start but how you finish, and I completly disagree because if you do not have a good start it's going to be hard finishing. Not that it is impossible to finish good, but if I only started off good I knew it would be easier to finish strong. So after giving myself that advise I stuck to it and now after completeing my fall quarter of my sophmore year I have an overall GPA of a 3.1, which I consider to be a great start and it only pushes me to get over a 3.5 to be placed on the dean's list.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say to just stay true to who you are. I know that sounds so cheesy and cliche, but that's what I would say.
My freshman year was challenging. I was 3000 miles from home and knew no one. It was confusing and I tried to be what others wanted me to be. I forced and molded myself into the person I thought others would like. For awhile this worked, but after months of cramming myself into a place where I didn't fit the mold finally broke. I realized that I had been lying to myself about who I was. It took me awhile to realize it but when I did I decided no more faking it.
I lost some "friends" who didn't agree with my new attitude, and that's okay. At the end of the day the only person that I care about making happy is myself. I think that's such an important thing to tell high school seniors. Things can get complicated, but as long as you have stayed true to yourself, they will be simplified faster.