If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would most definitely tell myself to apply for more scholarships because of the struggle that I am having right now with my finacial expenses. I would also tell myself to not stress so much and be prepared to go through the most memorable moments in my life, some fun, disappointing and sad. I would most important tell myself that everything happens for a reason, so no matter what comes my way, be prepared for the worst, but pray for the best!
I would tell myself not to stress so much over everything, and to actually put the time and effort into every class, even if it's just a general requirement class. Find a good balance between school and fun. College is supposed to be the best years of your life, but these years are also the most important.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize how important it is to study and keep up on my school work. In high school, studying wasn't always neccessary to get good grades, however it is completely different in college. Every little bit of studying in college counts, and you can't just breeze through things as easily as in high school. I would also like to give my high school self some economic advice. I would tell myself to start saving more, and spend less money because college and living on your own is expensive, and before you know it the loans and bills start to pile up. If I could've given my high school self this advice, I think my transistion to college life would have been much easier and I wouldn't of had to learn all this the hard way.
Thinking back, I now know that I did not try my hardest to do well in school. My grades were average, and that is why I was not accepted into Ohio State for my freshman year. Though I transferred here my sophomore year, I feel that I missed out because I didn't live here in the dorms and make friends in my first year of college. Also, I am behind in school because of transferring and changing my major, and will have to attend Ohio State for a fifth year. Taking this into consideration, I would tell myself to work harder and go above and beyond to reach my potential in high school. This is what Ohio State has taught me to do, and I have an amazing work ethic now. I did have a rough transition in my transfer process, but I am making progress every day, and I've discovered a major I am passionate about. I have grown to love Ohio State, and I am very excited to start the radiation therapy program next year!
When I graduated high school, my bank accounts overruled any possibility of going to college. Not to be deterred, I enlisted into the military service and now, three years later, I am returning to college to fulfill my intrinsic desire for knowledge. The phrase "knowledge is power" is an idiom which has been reiterated to me since my youth, and my worldly experiences in the military showed the great wisdom within this simply constructed phrase of a few ordinary english words. I would advise my highschool self to follow the words of Lewis Carrol to "Start at the beginning. Go until you reach the end, and then stop." When looking where to begin, look within Langston Hughes's poetry to find "First in the heart is the dream, then the mind starts seeking a way." So dream a dream your heart can hold forever, for every moment in life is precious. Start seeking a path to reaching your dreams and don't stop until you reach the end, not a moment beforehand. Follow this advice high school self, because life is supposed to have an antagonist to your protagonist; it ensures character development.
Always be open to new experiences because they are everywhere. Become an active participant in your schools clubs and sports. Remember that friends are important but so are your grades. Don't worry and be happy.
All through high school I allowed my teachers to kind of keep me on track, to guide the class and make announcements ever so often about when major assignments were due. I got so used to that, when I got to college I found myself missing alot of work. After the first semester I finally realized I could never make it without a planner. Which is now my lifesaver, and keeps me ahead of all my classmates who don't see to find it so handy. Also another piece of advice I have is to never give up on an assignment, any grade is better than a zero. If your teacher takes off points for late work, do it anyways. It shows initiative and lets them know you will try hard not to miss another. My last piece of advice is to aim big, aim to be better than everybody and your classmates and teachers will notice.
Be prepared to learn how to study! You don't study much in high school but that will need to change once you enter college. Also, be sure to get involved but not too involved! You still need to have time for a social life and school work!
I would tell myself to get serious about a future goal and keep your head held high when striving for that goal. Transitioning into college, I had no idea what I wanted to study and I was dreading college. Now that I am a college student, I know it isn't dreadful, it is quite the opposite! I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to be a college student and to be able to push myself to a better education. It is so important to set a main goal and have smaller goals along the way. Once you achieve the smaller goals, you will feel that your just one step away from your overall goal. I believe that everything pays off in the end; For instance, the moment you are handed your high school diploma represents all of the education that has been achived from the past 13 years of your life, that is a feeling that you will never forget! When earning your college degree, you will feel that sense of accomplishment all over again, who wouldn't want that?
Before I came to college, I spent a lot of time finding the perfect major. After deciding upon the Nursing major, I assumed that at college I should get involved in purely science organizations and opportunities; therefore, when the OSU autumn involvement fair rolled around I only looked to get involved in science oriented organizations. The main advice I would give myself as a senior in high school is to not be scared to embrace opportunities in my other passions besides science. I have realized that just because I am majoring in a science field does not mean that I have to limit myself to only science activities; instead, I should evenly develop all of my passions. Luckily, Ohio State offers another involvement fair in which I plan to seek out organizations based around community service and theatre, but understanding not to limit myself as a senior in high school would have definitely made my first semester of college enjoyable.