Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ohio State University-Main Campus know before they start?


Finding the right school is the key to your college experience. Too many people that I went to high school with are constantly saying that they aren't enjoying college because they don't like the school they chose. College is one of the greatest times of your whole life, not only socially, but for your future. What good is it if you're not happy? My two completed years here have been the best time of my life. I've met new people, made friends, had experiences I would have never had at home, and have gotten a world-class education. I couldn't ask for more. I'm glad I made a good decision in choosing my school and I'm glad that I'll look back on these years as among the best of my life.


My advice to students and parents is to deeply explore where you want to go. Find out what each prospective college has to offer and how it will suit your needs. I made a chart of the pros and cons from each school I was interested in. You should always ask a lot of questions and if you get the chance to, talk to a student who attends that university. Your first year of college is very important. Don't be afraid to come out of your shell and talk to individuals in your classes, in your dorm, in the dining halls, even on the bus. Chances are the people you're talking to will be glad to talk and you might even make a great connection. Going into college with a closed mind isn't much fun. Don't be afraid to take chances and try something you've never done before. Colleges have a lot to offer and they want you to take advantage of those opportunities. It truly is the beginning of the rest of your life and the experiences you make there are all yours to cherish. Good luck!


I would tell parents and prospective students to be informed and open-minded. My parents were afraid that I would get lost at a school as big as OSU, but I believe that enrolling at Ohio State was the best decision I've ever made. Just because a certain school doesn?t look appealing by the flyer you get in the mail doesn?t mean it is worth overlooking. College visits and talking to current upperclassmen are the best ways to experience the school before committing to anything. Once a student starts their college experience, involvement is crucial. Countless opportunities to gain life changing experiences, and meet life long friends are available; all the student needs to do is take initiative. Don?t be afraid of the upperclassmen, they were in your shoes once too, and are almost always willing and glad to help. The student body at your college becomes like your family, and the amount of love, pride, and enthusiasm that you can feel towards your school is unbelievable, all you have to do is enter the experience with a head held high, and a mind wide open. After all, these are the best years of your life!


First search inside to find what matters to you. Then follow your heart to the college that coinsides with your dreams.


Make sure you visit and stay for an amount of time near campus. Talk to the kids there. Sit in on a class. Make sure you get a taste of the experience before signing on.


Dorming the first year of school and getting involved in clubs that fit your personality are vital in your first school year. The people you surround yourself with will ultimately help shape your personality and views in college. It is also vital that you get to know your professors first hand in order to build a networking system for job applications and references for the future. Also, utilize everything your college offers you, including tutors, office hours with professors, your teacher's aid's office hours, and whatever else is available to you. Always remember to ask questions because those questions usually appear on exams 9 out of 10 times, and you always kick yourself when you don't end up asking those questions. Always keep on track of studying and develop good study habits early into the school year, otherwise you'll be behind and stressed out all year. Sometimes it is much better to stay inside and do homework than go out with friends to a party or movie. College is about making life long friends, but it is more importantly about building a strong foundation for your future career. Never lose sight of your goals and aspirations.


I would tell them to pick The Ohio State University and they will be fine.


Parents should help students find out as much information as possible about the university that they are going. Students need to make sure that they are making the right choice, and to be positive no matter how hard things get. At the very end it's all worth it.


I advise you to really look at what the campus prides itself for-is it it's athletics, artistic program, great academics? These things are going to be what the majority of campus is all about. Take a tour and listen to what the tour guide is reinforcing to be the main ideas of campus; if those reoccuring themes are in line with what you value and want out of your college experience, go for it! It will be easy for you to find people who have similar interests, and the design of the universities' extracurriculars will naturally bend towards your desires. If you aren't sure of what you want to do, check out a college with a lot of options! Big schools, particularly the ones that are near the city can provide a lot of culture and variety of experiences. However, a small school is definitely easier to know everything going on and everyone in it. College is an exciting time in your life, and just know that there's a great fit for you somewhere!


Go to Ohio State University, you won't be dissapointed.