Work on your study habits and learn how to balance your life better. Make sure to be prepared for anything in life.
As a high school senior, I would advise myself to attend college where my heart is telling me to go. There are so many stressful factors placed on high school students regarding college and I think every high school student needs to know that what matter is if, once they are in college, they are having the experience they imagined themselves having. Money generally plays a large factor in the college decision and money is mostly the reason I personally chose to start out at a local branch of Ohio State rather than on main campus in Columbus. Looking back, I would tell myself to start out on Ohio State main campus because I feel as though that would have given me a more fulfilling college experience. Over all, I would tell myself to make my college decision based on myself and no one else—not on current friends or boyfriends. I would advise myself to just make sure that the decision I made was what I personally wanted the most for myself. Because, when it all comes down to it, it is my own future in my hands.
Make the most of your college experience by being prepared. Do your best in your high school courses. They do count toward a good GPA, learning good study habits and applying your knowledge in college. Take time to enjoy high school but remember grades should come first. College will be a lot harder and time consuming. Yes, there will be time for fun college activities but please remember you are there to learn and gain knowledge for your life career. Give it your all at everything you do. It will make you a well rounded person to enjoy your activities and your friends you may meet. It is up to you to do your best and excel; take the challenge.
If I were able to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what i know now about college i would tell myself to come to college better prepared. I came to college thinking it would be a walk in the park, not really preparing myself for the reality that i was about to face. The advice i would give myself as an high school senior or high school student in general, is to improve my studying habits, and time management. Those two things are the keys to being successful in college.
I would tell myself always push myself and college is more so a stress reliever then in high school. It's not going to be such a rush like now. I will do fine in college.
If i were to go back and speak to myself as a senior there are two things i know i would have told myself to prepare better for, saving up for expenses and never lose sight of my values in life. Although eventually I would be on my own i never really realized how much my parents did and spent on me. When it came time to sign up for culinary school it was a real eye opener seeing how much school would cost and figuring out where i would get the money from. I am very big on being independent and figuring things out on my own but i do know i will need help financially with college and living expenses. One thing i do know for sure is that i have never ever gave up on my hopes and dreams of bringing all my educational values together and one day owning and running a corporation of my own. I have been and am working harder than ever before to further my education and i won't give up until i have reached my full potential and I have an amazing hard working family to thank for that.
Apply for more scholarships. The amount I had applied for was not enough.
I would advise myself to be prepared to work extra hard and learn how to manage my time. Time management was one the most difficult things I had to deal with as i entered college. I struggled to find time to study and get extra help from my professors when I needed it the most. I would also advise myself to look for more opportunities to get involved in campus life. Getting involeved with clubs is a great opportunity to not only make friends but to also help out and learn about the campus. It's also a great way to serve the campus community.
I would advise myself to pay more attention to finanacial aid deadlines because they can be confusing. I would tell myself to make sure I understand what every grant and scholarship form entails so I don't miss out on any opportunities.
I would tell myself to be careful what decisions I make and to make sure I write down everything that I need to get done. Too many times I have hesitated and made the wrong decision or waied till the last minute to get everything that needs to be done, finished. If I would have taught myself to keep everything organized and started thinking of exactly what my goals were from the biginning, I would have been a lot more confident and ready to make the transition into college.