Class sizes are small and teachers are willing to work with you.
The OSU Newark campus is very close to home so it allows me to commute to school from my home. Also, the tuition compared to OSU main campus is a very big difference. I like that the classes are affordable and only one loan will allow you to go to school without worry for achieving the amount of money needed.
The best thing about my school is the chance it gives me to transfer to the Columbus campus. I think it's a great opportunity for the students who are declined admission and wish to accell in later years at main campus. It gave me a second chance to go to the school of my choice and fulfill my dreams.
I love the teachers and programs. They want and look forward to help you, as well as make classes interesting. Then when you need help they have plenty of programs to help you for free. English and Math lab being the biggests, but they also have tutoring services that are also free. Most of the teachers are a email away and do almost anything they can to help you.
I believe that the best thing about my school is the fact that it is close to home and is part of a well renown university. Staying close to home is important to me, because it allows me to attend school and gather my education, without having to feel stress over paying for an apartment or dorm room, which ultimately helps boost my preformance.
The best thing about my school is the campus and the class sizes. Our campus is located in a great area, and is not too busy. There is a bike path for walking that goes around the campus. The class sizes are also great. On average, I have classes of about 25-35 students. The teachers get to know the students on a personal level which I really enjoy.
The Ohio State University - Newark offers students who plan to transfer to The Ohio State University (main campus) a chance to start at Newark (most everyone is accepted) and transfer to the main campus after they have completed 45+ credit hours. I just got out of the Marine Corps and OSU-N accepted my addmisions request 2 month before fall quart started, offering me a chance to begin college immediately after coming off of active duty.
Small class size and teachers who enjoy their profession makes for an enjoyable experience.
What I like best about starting off on the Newark Campus, opposed to Columbus Campus, is having smaller classes for my General Education Courses. Also, living away from home, the campus isn't as big and overwhelming like Main Campus. Ohio State Newark is a nice stepping stone to Ohio State Columbus Campus, easing myself from living away from home on a small campus and then transitioning to a bigger campus.
Coming from a small high school, the Newark campus was easy for me adapt to because of it's small size as well. Due to the size of campus and classes, this gives me more one on one time with my teachers and the capability to ask for help rather than if I were at a larger school.