Oklahoma Baptist University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Oklahoma Baptist University?


The vast difference in academic abilities on campus is detrimental to the success of all students. Some students are accepted based upon athletic achievements or legacy status with no regard to their classroom capabilities. These students detract from the learning environment by providing no input during discussions with an ambivalent attitude toward academics. Furthermore, groups assignments can prove disastrous when dealing with individuals that can't meet the stringent standards imposed by faculty for their section of the project.


Too many older faculty, there needs to be some younger professors.


The work is extremely challenging, but it is well worth the hard work I have to put in it


The internet service is the most frustrating thing about OBU! It works most of the time, but at the start of the year and peak usage times are a little weak. It gets rather old when you are trying to do homework and you can't use the internet for research.