Oregon State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Oregon State University? Why?


Class sizes for freshman undergrad level classes, too large


The worst thing is how big the school is. There are nearly 25,000 students going there and the class sizes are huge. If you want smaller classes and one on one help then this is the wrong choice.


I find the lack of financial resources for Liberal Arts programs is the worst thing about my school.


The thing I least like about my school is the advising. I have never had a good adivising appointment and when I have had questions that were not answered by the website I was directed back to the major website to find them. There have been some cases where I have been told the wrong information and have not been able to contact anyone to get it all straightened out.


The worst thing about my school is the tuition, it is quite exepensive. I am from out of state, but only one state north and I feel that I should be given residency.


I think that the alcohol consumption is the worst thing about my school. Students here rarely mention any activity without alcohol involved. It is an obsession.


I think that the worst thing about my school is that there are so many people that go unknown. I believe campus wide we should have more activities that bring the campus together versus just having certain activities for certain groups throughout the year.


The classes are so large that one-on-one time with instructors/professors is nearly impossible. Also, attending a university is very expensive. It's difficult and often discouraging to have over $5,000 in loans at the end of one school year.


The worst thing about attending any university, not just Oregon State, is the freedom! That wonderful, elusive feeling is suddenly overpowering your will to study and attend class. It is so important to realize that with freedom, comes responsibility. You must stay focused on your goals and aspirations, for without those, you will slip by the wayside and be lost in a sea of bad grades and poor job prospects.


In the beginning courses there are a lot of students, so it is hard to get to know other people well.