Despite the fact that there are many religious groups on campus, being a Christian was difficult. The idea of Creation was scoffed at by many professors, and beliefs were made into jokes. Trying to find a Christian group to affiliate with was also difficult because I didn't agree with extreme fundamentalism either; in fact many of the Christians I talked to just seemed ignorant. I had to battle an inner conflict but it made me into a stronger person than I ever was before college. Growing up can be frustrating but it's my greatest achievement so far.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of enthusiatic professors teaching 100 level classes.
The most frustrating thing about OSU is the large class size for many classes in the 300 level and lower. At a time when people are mentally developing and forming opinions, lively debate or at least interaction with peers and the professor, is integral to that process [of development]. Large class size obliterates this possibility by keeping students separate from each other and the professor, and thusly confining their education to the perception of a single mind instead of multiple minds.
Most students are very social their first couple years of college so it is more difficult for transfer students to get involved socially.
The amount of liberal values demonstrated. It becomes a little trying when you're a conservative trying to express your values, and people tend to shut you up.
Some of the most frustrating things that I have encounterd was when I go to office hours and the professor is not there. It gets frustrating because there has been cases when I needed help with the homework or just understanding the material that when I got to meet with the professor they are not there. Sometimes that affects my grade in the class because I did not understand the material.
The most frustrating part of my school is paying for tuition. Since I pay for everything myself I have had t o struggle to work out a system of payment. This will lead to a large amount of debt when I graduate. With this knowledge I have created a budget for my future repayments and I now know how I will repay my student loans.
The most frustrating thing about Oregon State University the lack of personal student teacher relations because the classes are too bigs. This isn't a problem for learning the content, but more if a recommendation from a teacher is needed for internships and such.
Some of the lectures are too big, but those lectures usually have a smaller lab or recitation section whice makes them better.
The most frusterating part about my school is being unable to communicate with the professors in every class. There are times that Teacher Assitants will teach the class. This can be frusterating because for me personally, I would much rather have a trained and certified professor teaching me because they are experienced. With that experience, usually means that they are more likely to "birng the class to life".