Oregon State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that the opportunities on campus should be utilized. For example, the important of physical fitness is well known around campus, and the free fitness center is a great resource. I suppose just understanding all the resources on campus and actually taking advantage of them. The other thing I wish I had known is how much fun football games are. This last fall I finally went to a football game. It was a lot of fun. I really did instill a feeling of pride for my school.


College is spontaneity. So when posed the question, I say: nothing. I know now not what I knew then, and I thoroughly believe I am better off for it. Life is about not looking before you leap; it is about knowing the road will be hard and still running at full speed down it. College has been the most amazing roller coaster ride of my life so far and knowing the loops and turns before getting on would have detracted greatly from the fun of it all.


Before I can to this school, I wish I had known how loud people can be in the dorms. Some people just do not know how to be quiet but it is not something I would ever regret. Also, I wish I had known all the awesome things that happens here and what I missed out in high school by not socializing with my peers.


There is not a whole lot I didn't know before coming to Oregon State University as I had done immense research to make sure it was the right school for me.


Before attending OSU I wish that I would have known what to expect from the lectures and professors. I wish that there would have been a way to see how the professors teach the material. I found it difficult to be in one professors class because of how he taught his material in lecture and spent all my study time reading the book and going over the notes multiple times. If there was a way to see how professors ranked it would be very helpful in making class schedules.


How helpful the advisors are. I didn't use my advisor very much at first but she is very good at keeping my on track for garduation and helping me choose courses and make a schedule.


I wish I would have known that marijuana really hurts you.


I wish I'd known how to study. Coming out of High School I didn't have any study habits at all.


I did not know how expensive books are to purchase for classes. College is hard and it is needed to actually read the books. It really does help to see the professor. It takes some time out of your day, but you never know if it will help you. Sometimes it is necesarry to hire a tutor, there is no shame in that.


i had a mistake about withdrewing classes my freshman year, which hurt my GPA. Since then i've recovered from that mistake and have been taking care of business.