If I were back in high school and someone asked about my plans, I'd say that my first priority was to learn what the options were. You don't need to be in a rush to choose your life's work. What you need to do is discover what you like. You have to work on stuff you like if you want to be good at what you do. I also would tell myself to take the ACT seriously because I only scored a 19 and I know if I took it how it was supposed to be taken I would of scored higher. I also would tell mtyself not to have a boyfriend at such a young age because they dont help you with your future.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior about what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself that it will be the hardest time of my life but I won't realize it at the time because its also the most fun time I've ever had. I would tell myself to never judge anyone for their personality flaws, but instead to love them for who they are because during this time I am going to find my life-long friends despite the difficulties of living with them. I would tell myself to be open to all possibilities and to take advantage of all opportunities given to me because these are the years that count!
If I could go back in time, I would have made sure that I checked the price of the school and not just the school being close to home. I would have had my parents work harder on helping me get loans and money for school so I wouldn'd be in the situation that I am in right now. Right now money is my biggest problem, I probably would have worked harder to get a 4.0 instead a 3..0 and above, to have colleges wanting me at their school.
Do not get down on yourself for missing out on some senior year social activities! Yes, it may seem like a HUGE deal that you are moving away from your friends but you will meet some amazing people in college. Taking post-secondary courses was probably one of the best things that you could have done to prepare yourself for your future. It might have been a rough social experience you will never regret it, so keep your head up!
Be prepared to work your tail off in college! You will enjoy it though, I promise. It's going to get hectic but you will learn to love it and you will find out that you chose the right major, so do not stress! Start your first day with an open mind, willing to learn and meet new people. It is important to establish study groups and have communication with professors, you can share experiences with each other and learn from them. Stay on task and pay attention to what is going on around you. And one last thing, if get a different and interesting opportunity take it and run with it! You will learn a lot that way.
I would tell myself to be open minded. Don't restrict yourself by allowing your personal beliefs to keep you from exploring new ideas. When you explore new ideas, you learn to make your own opinion instead of being a follower. You'll learn so much about the world and even more about yourself. Forming your own opinion is scary when it contradicts what people have told you all your life. But what is scarier is believing in them rather than believing in yourself. That is not how life is supposed to be lived. Really living is taking that first terrifying step towards becoming your own person. College is the stage of your life to make that happen - to become your own person. Embrace this opportunity. If you do not make the transition now, you never will. Stay positive, trust yourself, and enjoy the ride.
I would say, Self, you have got to get prepared for the real world out there. There is so much more to see and learn than what I have already done. Get used to living on your own, which means - keep your room clean, doing your own laundry, and be sure to throw out-dated food away. Keep focused on why you are at college and don't let all the pressure of drinking and skipping classes get in the way of studying. Be sure to always have extra quarters on hand to do laundry, you don't want to go to class in the same pair of sweats every day. You'll have to learn to love libraries and taking notes. You will blend in just like all the other new students, so be yourself. You won't just be another number,but a student who is expected to wake up for class, show up for class, be prepared for class, do all the homework for class and turn it in on time. College will be everything you expected if you are willing to be the best adult you can.
Make sure you take the time to reseach the schools. know what they are best at. Go to the school and shadow for a day. Get a feel for the school. You will know when your in the right place.
Probably the most important thing that most people don't pay attention to is just how close and friendly the proffesor's are to their students. If your like me and prefer an enviorment where a proffesor knows you personally so that they can do their best to help you succeed, then it's important to pay more attention to how a proffesor acts in class than it is their student to professor ratio. Go visit the campus and ask the proffessor if they can name all the students in any class they've ever had, or if they've ever go out of their way to help a student. If it's a personable professor, they should have loads of examples. If their stand offish and aloof, they won't have many, and may even be offended by the question. Also, ask several teachers, because one bad apple shouldn't be allowed to represent an entire school, but if you see a trend, it's probably a safe indicator of what that school is like.
Choosing a college, I believe, is one of the most important decisions you or your child will ever make. It is a place where they will apply what they have learned previously, but they will also be learning about a specific field in which they will somedaythey will have a career and make a living to support themselves and perhaps a family. In college they will also make new friendships and ties with other adults that can shape them and develop their character. My biggest advice would be do visit as many college campuses as possible with your child or your parents. It will help so much in deciding where you fit in and what you are comfortable with. Picking a school where you "belong" is so important in your character development and also in how you succeed as a student and scholar. Also, if necessary decide on a price range and focus on schools within that range to avoid falling in love with a college that you cannot afford and dealing with that disappointment.
Check out all of the schools you are interested in or have been accepted to. You may find something better than your original first choice school. Get to know everything about the school, especially the dorms and meal plans and about the student ID and money plans, if you can use your ID off campus, etc. It is very valuable to learn everything you can about college before you go.