I like to brag about how many students to teachers there are. It's essentially ten students per classroom which provides students with a great relationship with the teachers who actually know their names and care.
I think the thing that I boast most about Ouachita is sense of being welcomed. Whenever someone sets foot on the campus whether it is a student, guest, or prospective student, you are greeted with smile and a friendly atmosphere. The atmosphere that Ouachita brings only makes you want to be apart of it by getting involved in student life. The great boast that Ouachita does is give back to the community. Twice a year Ouachita's student body comes together and helps out the people of the town in household chores. These things are why Ouachita is great.
Once, I found my niche, I enjoyed it. I had a position of influence in teh Art Department. I loved my professors there, who were very helpful and friendly.
Highly qualified faculty and staff. The Chik-Fil-A on campus. Voted best school in the south multiple times.
What I love most about my college is thatthe envirnoment is a bery positive one. The people here are very friendly and try to always help when they can. They go out of their way to make you feel more at home than you already do. The campus is very well kept and bautiful which produces happiness all around.
how amazing it is that they care that you are there. you are not just a number or someone paying them for an education, but they care that you are there and they care about your education. also the students there are the same way. they are real friends and care about your life and what is going on. it is such a great community and fellowship-just wonderful! and it is a great place to live, especially that first year out on your own. they help with everything!
The opportunity I have had to make lifelong friends. Also the spiritual decisions I have made and what I have learned from having to grow up.
First, our students are the friendliest on any campus I've ever been on. Students will ask how you're doing even if they've just met you on the sidewalk. It's easy to get to know just about anyone. Second, our athletic teams are fabulous. They practice hard for what they do and most met (or surpass) their required academic standards. School spirit is very high, even among students who aren't involved in any sports (varsity or intramural).
i dont really brag i guess. but i do exclaim a lot about my social club Pi Kappa Zeta. and the amazing friendships i have created here.
The wonderful teachers, atmosphere, and education. Also the closeness of the students/faculty, we are such a small campus it is great to actually know almost everyone and still be able to meet new people.