Ouachita Baptist University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Ouachita Baptist University?


Anyone can attend Ouachita Baptist University who wants to be apart of a student body that treats you not as just another student but a part of the family that is Ouachita. The atmosphere at Ouachita makes you not only feel at home, but encompases you with the sense of love from the other students and faculty. Another great part of Ouachita is the professors. The professors are not there just to ensure you do well in college but to get to know you as a student and help you grow in acemdic and spiritual success.


If you are a student who loves getting to meet new people. If you don't mind a small school. Someone who is open to meeting new people. Being open to the word of God.


Ouachita is not for everyone. People that enjoy partying, slacking, procrastinating, and being dishonest will not be able to handle the rigorous classes at this university. Hardworking, patient, and timely students will fit in perfectly here. They must know how to handle their time efficiently, recognizing the importance of priorities in their studies. Ouachita students are also very gregarious, flocking towards social clubs (sororities), intramurals, and family groups. If you aren't a very social person, it will be hard to go to school here!


People that like music.


Anyone who is willing to make great friends and is not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and get involved.


Everyone! Ouachita is a great fit. It's kind of academically difficult, but if you take your classes seriously you will do fine. It's also not a big party school, so if you are looking forward to drinking your four years in college away, do not come here either.


Someone who is focused on getting a good education, wants to be a part of a small, personable, loving comunity of wonderful people...students and professors. :D


Someone that wants a quality education and small class sizes with the ability to have individual attention should attend Ouachita Baptist University.