Ouachita Baptist University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Ouachita Baptist University?


What I find most frustrating with my school is that if I want to transfer my junior year it would be difficult because a lot of the classes I have to take for core or for my major aren't accepted by most public colleges. However, I do learn a lot from those classes and I reallly do enjoy them but why can't the school figure out how to make them more acceptable by other colleges. I hear some students say it's because the school wants us to stay and keep paying. They should start a nursing program.


The most frustrating think about OBU is paying for tutiton.


The parking situation on Game Days.


there is nothing frustrating


It is in a really small town so there is not a lot of things to do off campus.


It's hard to find a balance between being an active member of the Ouachita community and pursuing Academic excellence. Sometimes there is a pressure (from peers) to place the first over the second.


I haven't found anything frustrating about this school.


Ouachita Baptist University has fairly strict standards as far as dorm visitation is concerned. Members of the opposite sex are allowed in the dorms only on specified nights at predetermined times. It's a little frustrating to be confined to such rigid policies.




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