Ouachita Baptist University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish someone told me that everything hat happens in your first year won't be your inly experiences. I remember being quiet and reserved. This year I was not that at all. You learn so much about yourself, so much so that we things get bad, or you feel like you can't imagine life getting better you get a little spark of hope. You even forget some of the bad things, and what you don't forget becomes a little story to tell people you learned from. I remember having a crush on this guy, and when I thought one of my friends was flirting with him and he asked her out I stopped talking to that friend. Now, we are all friends, and it took an entire semester for us to get to a good place.


That the meal plan was very unfair and that some students are obnoxiously wealthy.


It is a very small school. Diversity and individuality is not celebrated.


how much fun it is and how involved every students is on campus. if i would have known this i would of participated in more at the beginning of the year.


Be yourself, don't spend all your time trying to fit in with different groups. Be friends with everyone and find out where you fit in the best.


I wish that I had known that my loan was going to break through 3 months into college. I would have applied for higher scholarships and strove to borrow from different lenders. I also wish I would have known how strict my school would be.


I wish I had known how to be confident in who I was. In coming to college I realized how much insecurity was within me. I wish I had felt the freedom to just be myself and be vulnerable with other people, not to try to conform to what I thought would most save me from rejection.


One thing that I wish I knew before I came to college is how to manage time better. Between all the school work and the new social opportunities it is hard to find a manageable balance. Late nights, sleeping through classes, and buying coffee became a theme of my first year in college.


I wish I had known how to study for classes. That would have helped my GPA alot that first semester. Also, I wish I had gotten more involved in campus activities. It would have made that year more fun.


I wish I had know how seriously different my study habits would have to be. I got off to a rought start because I underestimated the amount of work a few of my classes would require. I had so much fun in class that I didn't realize how seriously my grades were affected when I slacked off a little bit here and there. Getting your homework in on time, keeping track of due dates, and preparing for class make all the difference in the world. Teachers are willing to help, but they can't do the work for you!