My classmates were very helpful and helped me when I wanted to give up.
My classmates are awesome people! They are talented, smart, funny, nice and just have great personalities. They are there to help and tutor or just if you need a friend.
At OLLU, there are several types of student organizations so no one is left out of place. The sororities and fraternities at the Lake are all based on multicultural standards whose mission is to promote diversity throughout the community. Another organization is the Alliance which aims to unite the LGBT community and those around them. The Study Abroad/Exchange Program recruits students of all backgrounds which reinforces the amount of diversity at OLLU. As far as politics are concerned, not many people openly discuss their opinions on campus. Within the classrooms however, professors are always open to have civilized discussions on political events concerning the world. There really is not a predominant class or financial background at Our Lady of the Lake. Most students do not emphasize their financial background as far as I've seen. I've had friends come from very wealthy backgrounds as well as not so wealthy. Either way, everyone is accepted here at OLLU. For example, the group of friends I sit with in the dining hall come from very different backgrounds; one is a psychology major from Egypt, another is a science major from a small town outside of San Antonio and another is an education major from Atlanta, Georgia who hopes to be a math teacher someday. This is reason why I love coming to this university. I have met so many different people with different backgrounds and so many stories that make coming to this university fun and exciting.
My classmates are very focused on their schoolwork.
Most of my classmates are enthusiastic first generation students from Mexico who struggle to keep school as the top prority and often hesitate to continue, or in many cases simply give up, school while others take the oppurtunites no one in their family has ever had before and push their academics to increadible heights.
Friendly, helpful, focused
They are very friendly and caring and will help you if you need help in anything. They are very understanding and very cultural diversed.
Most classmates are very helpful; it is always good to become friends with people in your class in case you need help with class notes.
There is an interesting mix of people from all ages, races, creeds, sexual orientations, and socio-economic backgrounds. The diversity makes classroom discussion interesting and varied, if somewhat tense at times. Education and life experience of the older non-traditional students offer a foil to the academically inclined younger traditional students.