Our Lady of the Lake University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Our Lady of the Lake University know before they start?


Stay focused! Don't forget what you came to school for, and definately don't get mixed up in the wrong crowds. Choose a school that can not only stimulate your mind but can also alleviate the pressures you'll likely face while you attend.


My best advice is for the student to know what kind of atmosphere they learn best in. There is no use in trying to go to a state school when you learn best in small settings. Once in college make the best out of your life, try joining clubs but, it is very important to always remember to keep your grades up. Grades should always be of priority in college!


To students; start preparing for college early, and whatever it is that you feel makes you happy, do it! Don't choose a major based on what other people tell you. Choose your major because it's what you want, because it's what you feel you want to do for the rest of your life. Another piece of advice, go away to college and live on campus. It may be hard if you're close to your family, but it really and truely is the only way to get the full college experience, and I strongly believe it helps one grow as a person. So study long and study hard, and don't forget, it's your life so live it to its fullest.


It is important to start looking for a school early so that if you need to make visits to any schools, you can do so. Look for schools that meet your needs academically as well as financially. It is also very important that you feel comfortable and at-home in the school of your choice because it will become your home away from home, if you don't feel at-home, it will be hard to concentrate on your school work. Once you have chosen your school and start your college life, you must always have and keep your goal in mind and never let it slip. Once you are here, it is easy to get distracted by things that are irrelevant to the reason you came to school, but as long as you stay focused, you will be okay. It is good to find activities that you can relate to and become involved in, especially if you are looking for a higher degree. Your long-term goals are something to always keep in mind. They are what will ultimately take you where you want to be in life.


I would advice future collegiate students to go to the college of their choice and not settle. I would advice parents to be the cheerleaders of their child, if education is such a high valued aspect they want their child to pursue, then they should stand by whatever college their child wants to attend. There is no reason for anyone to go to a university they happened to settle upon due to financial issues, etc. There is aid for those who can't afford all expenses. I would also like to admit that although students are looking at colleges with big eyes and the notion to be away from their parents, if he or she is un-happy at their university for whatever reason does not mean they are entitled to attend for four years. Move on and find another university where you feel meets all or most of all the expectations of a true college experience. To make the most of the college experience, I reccommend joining a couple of organizations and making friends with those in your classes. Find your support group in college, they will ease the burden of academia and become your social outlet when needed.


Keep looking into colleges and choose the best one that is right for you and your family.


well from my time in college, and the money that my mother has spent on me, although i hate that my mother has to spend so much money i know that in the end it will be to my benifit. If i were to do it all over again i would have looked for more scholorships and would have chosen a college that was cheaper only for my mothers sake. I do attend community college in the summer if anything it has helped so i don't waste money on classes that are not toward my major. I guess all i can tell the parents is start saving money from the day you find out you are expecting a child. i wish my mother had done that. Aswell as you need to give your child the space to be able to find out what they want in life. no matter what they decide you have to support them in all they do. If anything that is what matters the most.


When it comes to finding the right college for you there are many aspects that you have to look at. First of all make sure the institution has the program you want. Small class sizes are essential to have more communication with your professors, because good communication with your professors is an essential factor to succeed in college. We need to make sure that the institution has the right facilities and programs to help you complete the tasks required by your classes. While someone is in a college we need to make study the main focus and not get so easily distracted by social events. Socializing is one of the main distractions in which students find themselves so into it and mistakenly put in the first place, when this happens students tend to forget the real reason why they went to college. Therefore to make more out of our college experience we need to learn how to prioritized what is really important and make our money worth instead of leading ourselves be blinded by less important things, so that stress will not overwhelm us at the end.


Start early and shop around. Choose a school that will meet all your needs. Look at the atmosphere of campus, wander through on a school day if possible, ask to sit in on classes. Spending one day on site and make a world of difference. As for the college experience, just live it. There are so many opportunities in college, both social and academic, that many people (particularly freshmen) simply pass up. Carpe diem, go for it, and as long as you are not stupid and remain in control, there is nothing to worry about.