Do not drop out. crack down and study hard. dont give up.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about the college life and the transition needed i would tell myself to seriously stay focused and organizied. I would also strongly advize myself to start using and keeping up with a daily planner. To tell myself to not be afraid to ask for help and to always always try my best.
I would go straight into the Jewelry & Horology programs right out of high school.
If I had to go back in time and give myself advice on college life, I would definitely tell myself to go to college right after graduation. I would say to not wait or take a year or two off first. The transition is much easier if you go to college right after High School. If you take a year or two off, the odds of actually going to college are very slim. One day you will wake up and be 40 years old and still have no college education. I know as a senior that you are tired of school and just want to be free and have some fun. But life, in the long run, is so much simpler if you get your college education while you are young, unmarried, and have no children to support. Being in college, you will still have fun and you will be an adult, free to make your own choices and live your own life. The experiences you will endure and the life long friends you will make are just an added bonus to being a young college student. Take advantage of all the oppurtunities that are given to you.
If i could go back to my high school days and tell myself anything that I have learned at college, it would have to be that I need to take my time finding a college and not waiting for the last minute to decide anything that has to do with my college career because the longer I wait, the more harder its going to be to get things done and then Ill have to accept what is given to me for the time. If I want to get anyway in life, I need to have a good college education and its not just going to be handed to me. Its not like high school you dont get in trouble for not going to class but it is important that you do go, you have to be determined cause even though are people to help theyre not going to treat you like a little kid and try to push you to do what you have to do, its all you.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself that college is a lot harder than high school, and that when people tell you that you have to study a lot they really mean it. Transitioning from high school where you never had any homework to college where you have homework every night is tough you don't have as much time to do the things you want in your spare time. When your in college you have to make the right decisions either do your homework or something more fun. If you make the wrong decision it could affect your entire college career. Most of the time you have to study to keep your grades up for scholarships and grants if you don't they could drop you and not pay for school so study hard and make the right decisions. The last piece of advice I would give is study hard and be dedicated to what you want to do after college otherwise you will never make it through. College is very hard work, but if you make the right decisions and put the extra time towards it, it can be easy.
My senior year was a very stressful time for me. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life and I was pretty much in the dark about what to expect from college. If i could go back in time now and talk to myself I would tell me to calm down and not to worry, and that things are going to work out. I would tell myself that within the first couple of months of college you will figure out exactly what you want out of life. A few tips for me would be to always go to class and listen carefully, take as many notes as you can, and read the books that you are required to buy, you have them for a reason. College will be the best time of your life so don't miss any of the moments. I would just hope that I listen to myself.