pick the school that cares more about you as a person instead of a number. you want to be able to communicate with the president and professors at the school. being at a small school is not that bad.
Before attending Paul Quinn college I felt like I had no place in college I told myself that I was not smart enough to attend college. Those feeling came from being one with a learning disablity as well as being told from high school that college was not a good choice for me becasue of my learning disability. Attending Paul Quinn I found very great friend who suports me today in my education choice as well as life choices. Most importantly I found who I was academically, today i am working on my master after being told that i was not able to attend college i not only went to college but did it in 3years graduating with a 3.1 GPA to now attending graduate school working on my master's in Mental Health Counseling and maintanning the program requirment of 3.2 GPA. I am also looking to futher my edcation by getting my Doctoate degree. I can go on and on how Paul Quinn College changed my life for the best, without Paul Quinn I believe I would have not be where i am today academically.
As a high school senior i made alot of mistakes. Mistakes that effected my college career and my social life. Paul Quinn College has taught me what i should have learned in high school. If i could go back in time and give myself advice, i would have told myself to attend every class, listen to the teacher, study more, take time from sports, and take the SAT and the ACT. When i first started attending Paul Quinn College, i thought i was a punishment, not knowing i was here because of the actions i took in high school. I let my sourroundings effect me, I let sports dictate my future, and I didn't care about an education. While attending Paul Quinn College, it has taught me how to be independent, how not to depend on sports, make God my number one priority, do the work before it is due, study whenever you have some free time, and look to an adult for help. Since my college has enforced a school dress code, we look proffessional everyday. Paul Quinn College taught me how to become a loving father, and a great role model to my community.
My advice to anyone would be to be prompt and very organised with any and every decision that you decide to make. To make the best of your college experience would be to just make every situation a good situation. Keep your eyes open and your head in your books. Trust me, by the 2nd week of the first semester, youll be able to distinguish who you should hang out with, and who to stay away from. Dont be in a rush to be at all the parties or the get-togethers, because believe me, every freshmen will get their first college rude awaking....
Choose a school that is a comfortable fit for you, if your comfortable your more likely to succeed in whatever endevors you decide to include yourself in.
start early, take time to really listen to your heart, or your childs dreams parents this is a choice only you child will live with not you... take time to visit schools and determine whats best for you... thing you look for is first your major and if you choose to change your major or even add a minor make sure the campus you choose has what your heart wants.... dont short change yourself or your dreams.....and the last thing make sure you fill out your financial aid early so that would be the last most important thing you have to do....follow your heart