Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts know before they start?


Having been through one and half years of college, I don't know that I could give my high-school self any better advice than to go into the experience with an open mind and be willing to meet lots of different people. I don't think I woould change much about how I approached college because I had to go through some hard times to learn a lot of the things that I did. The most shocking part of the transition was going from a small town to a big city. I met so many people from such different backgrounds. Sometimes, I approached these meetings with fear and apprehension, but I would tell my high school self not to be intimidating by other people. There are so many different ways of life out there, and college is the place where you can experience and learn about them all, expanding your own way of living.


Okay buddy, I know leaving school early and not paying attention in class is tempting, but you have to knuckle down. Just because its senior year doesnt mean you can slack off and just mess around in class. The real world is coming very fast and its going to be a real shock for you.