Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences know before they start?


As the saying goes, “hindsight is twenty-twenty.” If given the chance, most people would go back in time to talk to and advise their younger self. Having been through some college, there are several things I would like to tell my high school self. I would tell my younger self not to fully hole myself up in my room to study. While studying is a wonderful thing, it is not healthy to study immediately after you get home until three or four in the morning daily. You need to get your sleep. Due to studying, my time spent with family and friends went to almost none. Have some fun, spend time with family and friends and make memories. Go to family functions and parties instead of spending all day studying. Your friends and family members will not be around forever. Drive down to Maryland to see your grandfather more often before he passes away. Remember to take some time for yourself. Set some time each day to relax and exercise. Also, do not be afraid to take challenges or fear failure. The only way you can fail is by not trying.


To not be in a rush to get to college. I am a non-tradditional student who already has a degree and I feel as though I did not fully take full advantage of my first college experience. I was not focused enough - not in the party-not-focused-way, but in the inexperienced not-focused sense. I feel that if I waited a little while before going to college I would have gained a better sense of maturity to be able to really focus and gather much more meaning and benefit from my coursework. Going to nursing school now that I have real world experience is much more beneficial, as I can bring that experience to working more effectively with my patients, and applying the theoritical knowledge into practical problem-solving.


I have become more aware of the absolute need for health care professionals. I have enjoyed the professors and learned a great deal about not only Nursing as a profession but about myself and my own abilities. I have thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with the professors at Millersville University and would recommend it to any nurse going back to school. I hope to use my skills and knowledge gained in the future as a nurse practitioner to help not only care for patients and the community, but to make a difference in our ever changing health care system. I hope to show other professionals that we are here to work together for one good; that is the patient. I will encourage and guide others to follow their dreams and pursue a carreer in nursing.


One of my biggest dreams is to be a missionary. Having said that, let me explain; I graduated from highschool in 2009 with no intentions of going to college. After some thought (and prayer) I concluded that nursing would a tremendous asset in the mission field. I have always enjoyed studying and Lancaster General College has offered me tremendous opportunity to fulfill my long-range goal of serving God and others on the mission field. One of the biggest reasons it has been valuable for me to attend this school is because all of the instructors strive to help you to not just pass the course, but to understand the content as well. This has helped me immensely to put what I have learned to practice on the clinical field. Another thing I have learned from my college experience is that hard work pays off! Nursing is a very rewarding field and I loved the time I have been able to spend with patients not only caring for their medical needs but also explaining to them in laymens terms their condition and treatment. I have also loved the "so that's how that works moments". Im constantly learning something new.


I have learned a whole new world of information. Begining my journey with re-learning familiar concepts in math and english, to straining to implement new processes also. Then as the prerequisites ended, then degree required classes set in. Anatomy and phisiology were eye-openers, to say least, about what the human body consists of, how it functions, and everything that is involved. I enjoyed these classes more than I had anticipated. Microbiology was another course that blew my mind, of course in a good way. The human body is complex and I truly understand why as a health professional we are required to know everything involved before we are even able to begin the actual studies of our professions. I have also enjoyed immensly the friendships, memories, and experiences I have been through. Not to mention, the not so good times, made me stronger as a student and individual. Continuing to look ahead, I can only grow more anxious by the day of what my clinical rotation will hold in the near future. College has made me realize how much better I can be, want to be, will be, and how much more I can build upon.