The person that should attend this shcool is someone looking for a quality education. They can get one in four years or two years. Anyway you look at it you will get a good education that will prepare you the workforce. This school has majors for everybody from technicans to nurses to teachers. I've been here almost a year and have learned an incredible amount in that time. We are also ranked as one ofthe top technical school on the east coast. The professors care about giving the students the best education they can get. This school is great.
The kind of person that should join this school should be someone who is determined to get thier degree in their field. This person should also be ready to learn and be ready to work hard.
A student at Pennsylania College of Technology will be ready to enter the workforce with on-the-job skills and training. The professors are personal and friendly, even to the point of being on a first-name basis. The class sizes are small and students are able to easily forge friendships with one another. There are many activities and events on campus and in the surrounding community, which provide fun evenings and weekends. Penn College students are able to enjoy a close-knit atmosphere while earning a substantial education and degree.
People who are seeking to learn more about technology, such as, Computers, Automotives, Engineering. People who are seeking a career in Networking, and security, should apply.
The kind of person to attend this school should be students looking for hands on training in the field that they are interested in. The classes have a small student to teacher ratio which makes it easier to learn. A student who is looking to attend Pennsylvania college of technology should be willing to learn new things and should be excited to gain knowledge.
Mainly anyone can attend this school. Our school is diverse in age range, gender and ethnicity.
Anyone who knows exactly what they want to do with their life and are willing to work for that goal.
I think that the type of person that should attend this schol is someone who is willing to learn and work hard to his or her goal. This college needs motivated students who are willing to work together and work hard. I think people need to keep an opened mind when attending this college, and be sure to be ready to open up to new adventures. It is a college where learning is made to be fun and understandable. Someone who is outgoing and willing to meet new friends should be someone who also attends this college.
If you are a student who do not like following rules, then PCT is NOT the school for u. However, if you are a person who is truly focused and have the strive and the dertmination and not the "partying a;; the time " type then PCT is the school for you. The experience is totally different from the normal college life, however u will receive an education that will last u a life time and the memories goes with u...... Good luck!!!