Pennsylvania College of Technology Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Pennsylvania College of Technology?


During my undergraduate experience the most frustrating thing about Pennsylvania College of Technology was that so many students who would go home every single weekend. Instead of embracing college life, getting to know their fellow schoolmates, and exploring a new area, these students would return to their homes, their parents, their high school friends. As a frequent traveler, I feel as though such students really missed out. I often wondered whether they would ever leave their hometowns to meet new people and try new experiences. While pursuing an undergraduate degree, students should take advantage of the freedom and newness.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the limited amount of clubs and organizations that are available. There are a few but in comparison to what the general public of the school desires, there are only major oriented clubs.


Finding the various buildings for class was the only trouble I found. Classes are not stationed in the same buildingd. You may have one class in one building and the next class may be way in the back of the campus. Therefore u must be able to juggle your schedule to acommodate enough time to get from one class to the other.


The lack of communication between students and faculty. When something needs to be accomplished to benefit students especially with money the school isnt considerate of how it affects the students.... food prices, minimum wage for jobs on campus. etc.


The lack of downtown activites taken advantage of by the student body. Except for one club, few businesses see students ever leaving the social scene a little lax.


Amuont of people in a class