As previously mentioned, PSU doesn't have a very diverse student body. There have been some instances of racial and LGBT discrimination. This includes the recent allegations against the Girls Basketball Team head coach for discrimination based on sexual orientation of players. Most students were jeans or sweatpants/t-shirts/sweat shirts to class.
Students of all different backgrounds interact. I have never seen a negative/race situation. As for financial backgrounds I think majority was middle class and I think most people faculty included are "left".
If you're a goth, a punk, a big hippie, an international student, or someone who generally isn't used to or wouldn't like a whole slew of white, suburbanite people, you're going to feel at least a little out of place at PSU. As I mentioned before, there are a lot of the same personality types, and you'll find many people fit into certain categories, and it can be a little weird to see how people can be identified so exactly by what they wear (I woke up one day and the weather was warm and virtually of the "sorority-type" girls were wearing the same, floofy short skirt. It makes you question reality sometimes).
Generally people sort of form "cliques" of people who are similar to them, either by country, race, religion, whatever. However, it's important to note that whether you fit in or not, if you don't find a group to fit in with, you'll probably feel pretty lonely. People aren't generally into random social outreach - unless they've been drinking (and even then...). In that respect, even though they may sometimes be descriminated against, special groups - be it Frat boys, LGBT kids, whoever - have an upper hand. However, when it comes to "intermingling," it doesn't really happen all that much. This is part of what makes the culture at PSU so dull.
Most PSU students are from Pennsylvania, since out of state tuition is so high. It seems to me that there are actually more international students than there are out of state students. Also, since I've been living in Los Angeles for the past 8 or so months, I can understand why the one kid I knew from California when I was at PSU felt so out of place - the cutlure is very suburban east coast/central PA culture. Further, there are a significant number of conservative/right wing PSU students - and some of them really feel the need to make their voices heard. In that way there is a kind of balance between conservative students and liberal students (although most students are really pretty passive about politics, etc), however religious there are a number of pretty loud Christian activists roaming campus that keep the campus from feeling completely balanced. One is famous for "preaching" outside one particular building virtually every day, others come and go with Bibles and billboards and handouts. If the thought of these people stepping on your toes makes you uncomfortable, it's probably worth noting that these are the only people who actually suceed at touching a nerve with a regular number of college students - and actually providing the rest of us with something to watch that's not on TV or at a party.
most students wear jeans and t-shirts. Most students are from somewhere in Pennsylvania. Different types of students do interact with each other.
Penn state is made up of lots of different groups.
None. I hope none. Jeans, Penn State t-shirts/sweats, and pjs. Not that many. Don't know the four tables in dining halls. I would guess around PA and the NY, NJ and MD. Yes many studes are politically active. I think they are equally divided but not really sure. Yes.
had a class discussing sexual relationships and knew there was a lgbt group on campus...a lot of diverse clubs on campus
not sure
hoodies and sweats unless your a sorostitute you may wear a vera bradley bag, northface and boots over your jeans with really big obnoxious sun glasses
ahh dont know
OUTSIDE Philly and pittsburgh
middle to middle upper class
i think left
There hasnt been any issuse regarding race in my time here at PSU, although I do feel as though it is not diverse as it should be.
Most students do not have the opportunity to feel out of place because there are so many different personalities on campus. It is a nice place to go, and be yourself, and at the same time meet people who match your traits.
Most students do not dress nicely to class. It is a huge campus and inclement weather, so most dress on a comfort and warmth level when going to class. It is not about high fashion, but more about practicality.
There is a diverse range of financial backgrounds at PSU. Some are more well off than others, and it is not something that you could even recognize at first glance. It is not much of an issue here, because so many people are from so many different lifestyles and backgrounds.
- Dress: Most students wear sweat pants or comfy clothes, especially if the weather sucks. When it gets warmer outside the short skirts and flip flops come out.
- Demographics: Most PSU students are from the east coast areas of Philly, New York, and New Jersey. Students seem well off and receive money from parents.
Religious groups etc. are all over campus. They can be very in your face, or sometimes they just hand you paper to throw away. No student should feel out of place at Penn State. If they feel out of place, then they are not looking hard enough for people to spend time with. Students wear just about anything to classes. All students interact if they choose to. There are definitely more than four tables of students in the dining hall. Most of the tables have groups of friends that are generally loud and obnoxious. Other tables have people eating alone, or boyfriends eating with girlfriends. It's just food man. Most PSU students are from Pennsylvania. I have no idea what financial backgrounds are prevalent, I couldn't care less. Some students are politically aware, some are not. I'd think 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} are, 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} are not. They vary a lot, probably pretty equal in left and right. Students talk about incomes frequently.