I wish I would have know about all the career opportunities I had with the university. There are a lot more organizations that help you find the perfect job. I wish I could have joined even more organizations and clubs.
I would tell my self not to stress over making friends; real ones come naturally, and the ones that you have to try hard for won't last a year, let alone to the next semester. Get into an organization you truely love (greek life, clubs, sports). It really makes the college smaller and seeing the same people often is comforting. It also gives you something to do as a freshman. Actually read the assignments in the syllabus, and don't skip class. Lastly, take advantage of opportunities like trips, study abroud, internships, you'll get more out of college.
I wish I had known that my dormitory would not be located at the opposite corner of campus in relation to the majority of my classes.
How expensive it was and how much financial aid I would have to come up to pay for the difference.
When I was accepted to my school I had known mostly everything I wanted to know about it. The large campus, fraternity life,
strong academics and the incredible opportunity for growth both academically and socially was the reason I chose Penn State. I have
no regrets and that is possibly why there is nothing I have come across that has made me wish I had known before I accepted entrance
into this school..
Before I came to school I wish I had known how important going to class, and doing well in class, actually is. My freshman year was all about meeting new people, finding out what I wanted to major in, and really just getting adjusted to the huge change that I was living. However, I did not realize until my Sophomore year that going to class makes a world of difference. I started doing better in my classes, which boosted my GPA - and now that I am applying for internships I am glad that I realized the importance of class.
That when I stated in Abingtion it was completley geared around the commuters and they really care about out of town kids.
My biggest "I wish I'd known" moment was when I realized that there's a group for every person here at Penn State; it's just a matter of finding it. Clubs are the quickest and most fool-proof way I know to find that special clique. So if you want it to be a party school, it can be, just as easily as it can become an academic challenge. As a side note, lecture classes are only as big as the number of people in font of you, so sit in the first row to impress your professor!
How to study, because I didnt have to in high school at all, so coming to college like that was not a good idea.
I wish I knew that there was a lot of drinking and partying at this school. It was named the "#1 Party School in the US" after I had already handed in my application and gotten accepted. I wish I knew that there are not a lot of clubs or organizations that allow students to express their religion with others. Instead, there are more fraternities trying ro recruit than any other type of club.