Listen past me. College is fun, you have a lot more freedom, and you will meet some new interesting people. But this just means you'll have more responsibility, you'll end up spending a lot of money on and off campus, also you'll need to make friends if you want to survive college. Work on all of your basic skills in writing, math, english, etc. And the most important advice would be to NEVER take a class with one of your good friends for fun. You'll either end up failing and damaging your GPA or waste your time in that class and not learn due to the fact that you will care for socializing more than the course itself
Looking back at the way I was in high school and my mind set at that point in my life I would have a few pieces of advice to younger self. First off I would tell myself the cost of the college should be a major factor when it comes to deciding on a school something I did not do. Next I would tell myself that education over sports is how my viewpoint needs to be as a prospective athlete looking for where to attend. Finally I would say is that I need to pick out a profession that I want before I start school. Then lay out the steps and goals I need in order to acquire the profession I desire. I feel that overall my guiding principle when it comes to higher education is get the best possible education for the lowest possible financial burden.
Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, the advice I would give myself is “Apply for scholarships early!” In high school, I used to think I would be in college with a few renewable scholarships automatically applied to my tuition bills each semester. However, I was completely wrong. It didn't even matter if you're living with one parent with a limited amount of income; the tuition bills never decreased. My college tuition bills were paid through increases in stafford loans because my parent plus loans were constantly declined. On top of that, I was so engrossed in my classes and assignments I ignored other scholarship opportunities (even if my chances of winning were small). I only got one scholarship through asking and it was only $104 I got. Though I had the right mind set for my classes, I was too lazy and ignorant to search for financial resources because of what I thought my finances would be like. If I could tell my old self this, my financial aid would be better than it is today.
College is very different than high school. Although, in a school like Penn State Abington, it may seem the same. You wake up in the morning, drive to school, stay for 7/8 hours and go home and that's the end of your school day. However, it's definitely not as easy as high school. Kristine, you are a smart girl. Getting through grade, middle, and high schools were easy for you. You never had to study and you always did well. And since you were pressured to get your work done, or otherwise your teachers would call home, it was easy to do well. In college, it's not as easy.
You need to hold yourself accountable. You need to realize that you need to study. It's not enough to take notes and pay attention. Studying is a bore, but it's necessary.
And when it comes to getting involved on campus, don't hold back. Put yourself out there and try and make friends. "College is the best time of your life," after all. Might as well make friends and actually make it the best time of your life. Good luck, kid.
Study hard, don't slack off and do your best. College is time consuming since everything is on yourself now and everything needs to be done on your own.
When I graduated from high school I thought that college life would be as easy as high school was. I thought that I was going to be able to get away with works that I, most of the time, did not returned to the teacher, or returned it late and still get full grade for it. When I entered college, I started doing the same things that I was doing in high school, and I was falling my most of my courses, and that was when I realize that high school and college where very different. The advice that I would give to myself if I was in high school would have been that in order to succeed I will have to work hard. Working hard is what will make me appreciate the things that I have in life. Maybe because my diploma was given and not earned made me think that I will have the same outcome in college, but once I entered college it help me realize that if I don't work hard for what I want, I will not get what I want.
Kelly --
Make sure that you study hard and don't slack in anything. TALK to your professors if there is even a small issue. THAT IS WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR. Work hard, but enjoy these next few years.
Meeting all the diverse people on any Penn State campus.
When I was in high school, I didn't care too much for high grades and perfect papers. I knew I could do well if I tried, but I just didn't have the drive to do so. My priorities were not where they should have been. The summer going into my freshman year at college, I told myself and everyone else that I was going to apply myself and do well, and that I did. My first semester of school I earned a 3.5 GPA and was selected for the Dean's List. As this semester comes to a close, I am continuing to work hard to keep my GPA in the Dean's List range. My college experience so far has helped me to set my priorities straight and given me more of a focus in my life. My educational achievements are something I'm very proud of. Although I don't always like attending a commuter campus, living at home for the first year has really helped me focus on my schoolwork, and I feel as though now I have the ability to transfer to a live-away school next year and still succeed in school.
I have obtained a broader knowledge of many subjects.