Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona?


The most frustrating thing about my scool is the fact that it is so expensive. I get a really good education but it is hard to focus when your trying to pay for school.


The most frustrating things about my school is the transportation. If you do not own a car, it can be difficult to get around. However, lots of students do have cars and are willing to give people rides. The buses are also free but they stop running as early as 5:00 pm. It is also frustrating to get home on breaks if you live far away because there are a limited number of trains and buses.


I don't find many things about Penn State Altoona frustrating. But what I do find frustrating are all the expenses. All the extra expenses such as, books, parking permits and activities fees. My parents already pay enough for the tuition and I owe enough in loans it is frustrating having to pay for these extra expenses. Moving to University Park to complete my major next year includes a tuition jump, plus my sister will be going to college as well; I just do not know how my parents are going to do it.


All of the work and balancing school work, a job, and a social life.


The balance between work and play.


Class avability and advising


If the campus was a little bigger, I could get more classes I need quicker. Sometimes the classes fill too quick. I'm a full time mom and I need to go when my kids are in school.


When students as well as professors can sometimes be so careless and close-minded about what they say