Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How cold it was in the winter.


I don't have any issues with this campus, it is nice and I enjoy it.


That the transition to college is not as easy as you may think. There are an unlimited number of factors that a new student has no concept or understanding of until they enter college life. In addition, be open and objective to new ideas and thoughts. Lastly, its alright to say NO! Dont do what anything that makes you uncomfortable or uneasy. The partying is fun, but it is a very bad habbit to break. Class always comes first, becuase thats the point of college, its not for anyone else, be selfish, its your future, and your future alone.


Alot of students come to school & don't realize how study habits need to change. & alot of professors teach as though they are in a room with esteemed colleagues. Its the theory of throwing someone in the deep end of the pool to teach them to swim. What messed alot of people up is that there isnt much help in how to adjust. No seminars on study habits or how to balance time now that your on your own. & just because you qualify for an upperlevel science or math class doesnt mean that you should take it. People get overwhelmed.