Going back to my senior year of high school, I would tell myself to get it together. First with my grades, my senior year I did enough to be ranked 14 in my class which was so heart breaking. If I only pushed myself a little more to be in the top 10. Get on those scholarships, because college isn't free. Join as many clubs as possible, and do more around the community. If i could do my senior year all over again these would be my top priorities.
Knowing what I know now about college life, I would ask myself who I am as an individual and what I want to be around. Am I city girl? Am I a rural girl? Do i prefer small versus large groups of people? All of these questions affect your college experience, and whether it will be good or bad. High School students need to focus on what is best for them for the next four years, and not for the moment. They also need to remember that college is expensive, and sometimes it is not always about the college life. College life is tough, and requires you to change yourself sometimes. For instance, I would tell myself as a high school senior to learn organizational and study skills. College life is the best years of your life, you just need to remember what is best for you and how to transition.
I have learned to be a little more independent. It is up to me to clean my room, go to all my classes, and study. I no longer have someone reminding me of the tasks ahead. I think that it is a good thing because I believe that college is a good way to learn to live on your own.
I would tell myself to take as many of the college in high school classes as possible. Now knowing how hard the classes here are the college in high school classes were much easier, and would have gave me the credits I needed in some areas. Time is so important and if i would have completed classes then I could have taken one less class my first or second semester. I would also tell myself to learn time management now so that it would be easier to adapt to the new enviroment.
I would not change a thing because I want to make someting of my self and get a good job so I can live life as a happy and succussful person. Have things that I can not afford to get now. I hope to help my parents live a better life.
If I could go back in time and speak with myself as a high school senior I would tell my self to stay confident and try my hardest. According to my two-year college experience, if you try your hardest in school you will have reason to be confident and visa-versa, if you are confident you will participate more in school and in tern you will do better. I would say, "Those two ideas are simple to understand and easy to follow and they will bring you success in school." I would also say, "budget your money!" Living in the dorms, with a meal plan is easier than living alone but, money still comes up and after two years if things go as planned, you'll be living in an apartment. I believe this advice would be best given to my youngerself to ensure an [easier] transaction into college.
I would tell myself to pick a major as soon as possible, stay focused and not allow anyone to keep me from pursuing what I wanted. I would tell myself to sit down and seriously think about what "I" wanted to do with life and get it done.
I would have told my self to make better decisions about college. I would have gotten a job that way I would have some pocket money before I went away to college. I also would have checked out some different textbook websites. I wish I had known about how expensive these books would be. I also would have gotten my license... I noticed know that I need a car out here.
The advice that I would give to either parents and/or students about finding the right college is to find out what the student is interested in, price of a semester, the hours professors are availiable, and if the people on the campus are friendly. On the subject matter of making the most of the college experience, the advice I would give to the student is to get involved, because if you get involved then you're going to have that much more appreciation for your campus.
Visit a campus and sit in a few classes you might be interested in, or even a few that you aren't!, The biggest thing I learned thus far in college is to be yourself, and do something! Make yourself heard by joining a club or a sport. College life is too short to worry about the negative things in life, just get out there and do something!