Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois know before they start?


If you are like me and you attended an Arizona High School and are looking at in-state school options, I would recommend to anybody and everybody to consider attending a community college here for the first two years of your college education. Unlike the Midwestern and Eastern United States, we do not have a mix of small and large universities; we have one gigantic university and some community colleges. First and foremost, I know a lot of people, even those who attended university, that would argue that the education you can get at our community colleges, for the first two years, is of higher quality at a community college because of smaller class sizes and better teacher availability. Second, the price is dramatically better than that of a university. The only drawback would be that there is no student housing, however there are many opportunities to find other students to house with off campus. Especially if you are any less than 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure of what you want to major in, I recomend saving your hard earned money and starting out at a community college.


Many people hear the word college and cringe either from bad memories or the uncertainty of moving on for the first time. However, college was a time for me to spread my wings and soar above all of my limitations. The first time I set foot on The Culinary Institute of Americas campus, I was convinced that I was going to be miserable. But in spite of my fear, I continued forward and my outlook radically changed. The Culinary Institute showed me that I had the potential to be a tustworthy leader, but they also taught me the value of humbleness. Being a chef is no easy task and by going to college, I was able to fortify my own endurance and organization. All these are wonderful lessons, but what stuck with me is that I can’t be overcome by stress. I have to keep doing my absolute best no matter what life deals out. I think attending The Culinary Institute has been the most wonderful event in my life because it’s taught me how to grow up and be self sufficient. College has shown me so many unique things about myself, and how to truly grow stronger.


My return to school after over 20 years has allowed me to learn a new trade and will allow me to provide for my family to the best of my ability for the future. I realize that through hard work and dedication to my studies that I am capable of achieving and maintaining a consistant 3.96 GPA and an ongoing position on the school's Deans List. I'm grateful for the opportunity, I look forward to completing my studies in June, 2011, and I appreciate any assistance that I may recieve.


I have gained a lot more from my college experience than just an education. I have gained an experience that will follow me throughout my life as a career oriented person. Attending college at Penn State has taught me what hard work is and how it can be beneficial. Furthermore, I have learned about the diversity in the world based on the events I have attended on campus and the people that I have heard speak. Penn State also requires each four year student to take General Education credits which help each student to become a more rounded individual. Overall, I have gained a sufficient amount of both intellect and diversity in my college experience and I will value this education for many, many years to come.


I would give the advise of taking your time to discover what you really want to take as courses , do not stress over all the paperwork that goes on , and ask for help when you need it as soon as you need it.


I would have to say to myself to not be scared of the future. I was upset about leaving all my friends behind and also my family to be at an unfamiler place. When I got there i found out that it was better than i ever could have imagined. I wish i could have known this from the beginning. I also would like to tell myself that i would be doing great with my academics. Academics was another area that I was nervous about. I felt that just because i did good in HIgh School that I wouldn't beable to compare to the other students that come from bigger and better schools. I have been doing better than i ever would have expected. Finally, I would tell myself that making friends would be easiser than I thought. I have a good amount of kids on campus that talk to me and are willing to help if anything arises. I know this first hand because this year i had to have emergency surgery in the middle of the week and i had to miss a week of school. thanks to my great friendd's and teachers i wasnt behind.


It's ok to not know what you want to do yet. Remember, not only is college about learning, but also, it's about finding yourself and who you want to be. Taking a few courses in subjects other than your intended major is perfectly acceptable and a great idea if you're unsure of what you want to do. Go into wach class with an open mind and don't judge your classmates, some of them will be your best friends. If an oppurtunity comes up for you to participate in a campus event, take it! It's a great way to get to know the other students in the same situations you are in. And most of all, if you need help, academically, physically or emotionally- get it as soon as you see an issue. There's nothing worse than waiting until the last minute and realizing how sick you are or how low your grade is. Resources ARE available to help you. Don't forget to HAVE A LITTLE FUN - But be SAFE!