Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Mont Alto Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Mont Alto know before they start?


I would choose a school that is diverse and closer to home.


If I could go back to when I was a high school senior and talk to myself about college, I believ that I would like to tell myself to find scholarships. Mainly because since I live in Maryland and go to a Pennsylvania school I cant go to anyone in Maryland and vice versa. I would also probably tell myself to just prepare for that first semester transition. College is completely different then High school and it is a huge wake up call. I would tell myself not to mess around.


I would tell myself to take my studies very seriously in preparation for college.


I chose the Penn State Mont Alto campus because I took the time to visit the campus and get a feel for the atmosphere. I kept in mind that I wanted to be in a place that was small and easy to get around so I would have an easier time for completing my studies to the best of my abilities. I also browsed around the university website to better understand what the campus had to offer. The site was exciting and really offered great information and actual student insight of all that Mont Alto had to offer. I am extremely confident and happy with my decision to come to Mont Alto. Within the past few years that I have been here I have gained so much knowledge, confidence, and I have met some life long friends here! Taking the time to visit and research campuses is the best way to find out what will suit you best to become the best you can be. I know I made the right choice and I wouldn't have had it any other way.


Dr. Suess, once said, ?You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.? Many students are unfortunate to attend schools that their parents have chosen for them. When students go to colleges that they are most interested in, they have a better chance of getting higher grades, having a better social life, and participating in campus activities. Being that College is unlike High school, it is imperative for students to search for schools that best fit their interest whether it?s attending a school in a suburban area or attending a school that has a wide range of Fraternities and Sororities. Colleges try their best to incorporate on-campus activities for students to engage in. The best things about those activities are the fun and friends that come along the way. There are many life lessons and experiences to learn from just from getting involved with school activities.


Make sure you keep records of school payments becasue the school sometimes loses people's money. Save as much as you can.


Find a college that fits with your personality. Do not make your expectations too high for yourself. Its all a learning experience. If you come from a small town, its better for you to go to a smaller university instead of going to a larger one. You may not be ready for that kind of adjustment, especially when college is hard enough itself. Always go with your gut feeling of what you think is best for yourself, and never let others get the best of you.


To make the right decision, you need to feel right in your environment and feel that you have a good support base. Go to the campus's and visit them, and talk with current students. I would get to know a few people and talk with them, and spend time there. Make sure that you have the campus you really want, and that everything will work good for you. I would say also that you should make sure that there are jobs, and support in your campus. Another thing that if i woul do it all over again, i would get to know the community you live in! Other than that have fun with what you do and if your not happy when you visit, then your not gonna be happy giving them your money for 2-4 years.