Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill Top Questions

Describe the students at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill.


my class mates are the average classmates they understand what is going on in college and in the classroom. they answer questions when needed and pay attention.


My classmates are average students who come from areas of the north-east America and have diverse goals in life.


My classmates are eager to learn. Even on days that we are not required to be in class (for an exam review, a movie, etc.), most of us attend. Group participation is high; Rarely does a professor ask a question that goes unanswered. I enjoy being included this group of individuals.


most of my classmates are very active in class.


My classmates are fun and hardworking.


I believe my classmates are all divided.


Majority are highly-motivated, intelligent students who will go one to do great things.


My class mates are very well educated and are very good with working togther to make sure everyone is understanding the work at hand.


Either your from a Philly or New York or you lived here your whole life


All of my classmates at the University of Central Florida are welcoming, studious, and interested in the overall community of not only UCF but also of Orlando.