Peru State College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Peru State College? Why?


The worst thing, to me, about Peru State College is the location. I have quite a commute to get to my church, grocery stores, movie theatres. I am used to living in large cities where access to activities is easier and the places I frequent are more centrally located.


The only bad part of Peru State College for me is the area. Nebraska has long, bitterly cold winters. The college also managed to be built on the only steep hill in the state. By the time I graduate, I'll have stronger legs that a mule!


At Peru State College, there is little to do on the weekends. The Campus Activities Board tries to plan events and activities for the school, but Peru is a suitcase college so many students go home for the weekend.


The worst thing about my school is that there is no town where the college is located at. The school is the town itself. The community where the school is located it is awsome on the other hand. In this town there is only a gas station, grocery store, and 2 bars.


I would say that the worst thing about Peru State is thatsome people think that is is very small so lots of people leave on the weekends, which is a very bad way to influence the Peru State college lifestyle, as there just is not a whole lot of people and if people don't leave then a lot of people hold parties do do other sinful desiers they may have