Philadelphia University Top Questions

Describe how Philadelphia University looks to someone who's never seen it.


PhilaU is a small university of eclectic indviduals primarly majoring in design courses.


The University of Denver is enlightening in the sense that it helps uncover who you are as a student, and for me, how I navigate the world when I am thrown out of my element, (not to mention the classes are pretty enlightening as well.)


good for specific majors


Small and cozy with a suburban campus located close to the city. Good teacher to student ratio. Expensive but I feel that it was worth it.


An artistic school with great academic programs for each major, but lacks the uniting quality a campus should have between its students with different ethnicities.


a school full of design majors that are mostly stressed about school work, but most of all, the money they have to work off just to pay for school in the first place


philadelphia university is a small college full of artistic and wealthy students.


Philadelphia University combines a suburban atmosphere with a professional, school-based emphasis, but is also located near center city and there is plenty to do.


beautiful campus and great curriculum for deisgn students and aids in career searching.


Philadelphia Universityis a fun creative place to learn and meet new people and learn the ins and outs of different industries.